Author Archives: Jonathan Flores

Jonathan Flores Final Evaluation

I learned many photography concepts in this class. I learned that the aperture is what gives the camera a light source.  If the aperture is wide then it creates shallow depth of field. Shallow depth of field is the short distance between the nearest and farthest of an object. I also learned that composition is very important when taking a picture. Symmetrical, a-symmetrical, rules of thirds are all ideas that deals with compositions. Everything that I learned in the class will help me in the future because I will have a better understanding on how to take and edit a photo. The class was a great, but I wish we could’ve use the software more so we can have a better understanding on how to use it.


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Jonathan Flores Faking it: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop Metropolitan Museum

When visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Art I found the exhibit: Faking It, to be very strange, but interesting. The way a photograph can be manipulated into different ways to trick the human eyes is unbelievable. The way people faked a photo was by adding people to a scene or adding anything that was never created into a photo. Everything was done manually until computers were introduced and the inventions of software took off in the later years.

The one photograph that caught my attention was the Dirigible Docked on the Empire State Building. It’s a landscape photo of the Empire State Building and New York City skyscraper. The photo had some shadows, dark tones and high contrast. The white and black color made it look scary as while. However, what caught my attention was the blimp that was on the peak of the Empire State Building. Its looks scary because to me it looked like an alien spaceship on top of the building. After looking closer to it was a U.S. Navy blimp but it was strange that a blimp can be balance on the peak. In result, I knew it was a fake photograph because first, you can tell the blimp was adding onto the building, second, no airships ever landed on top of the building and lastly, it was usually for an aircraft to fly that low. Taking everything under consideration I knew it was a fake photo. The reason for it was to make the Empire State Building a popular site in New York and to draw attention for people to visit. Also, they wanted the Empire State Building to be the best skyscraper in New York and take out the Chrysler Building who people thought that was best building at that time. When Empire State Building was built the creator thought by them adding a blimp that it would’ve lasted along time but the fake report surfaced and then it was edited.

The process that was used in the photograph was called photomontages which mean they take two different elements from each photos and combine them into one piece. In other words, it a kind of collage that is composed of the photographs or fragments of photographs in order to direct the viewer’s mind such as the blimp on the Empire State Building. The reason why photomontages was used because bringing two different images into one image can bring the message of the photo and to trick how the mind may think of a photograph. In today’s world, creating a photomontage is much easier than before; you now have software such as Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, Photo paint or GIMP.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art was a great experience; I got a better understanding on how photograph was manipulated and the process behind it. The way photographers transformed two different images into one creative image is amazing. In today’s world the way you fake a photograph so much different than before. Before you would have to create a fake photograph manually by cutting out the images and pastes it together. Now you have Photoshop which is much easier than manually doing it and it does all the work.

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Filed under exhibit review, Homework

Brooklyn Historical Museum and Green-wood Cemetery

Visiting both the Brooklyn Historical Museum and Green-Wood Cemetery were both a learning experience. I learned that many people died in plane crashes and fighting in wars; in result, they honor the people who passed away with memorials. It was great to see how we sending our respect to people who fought for us.




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Filed under Learning Log 4-Green-Wood Cemetery

Brooklyn Historical Museum

Visiting the Brooklyn Historical Museum was a great experience. We looked at different types of Daguerreotypes photos. Daguerreotype was the first successful photographic process. Depending on the angle view and the color of the surface reflected into it, the image can change from a positive to a negative. A Daguerreotype is a picture with direct-positive process that creates high detailed image on the sheet of copper plated. A thin coat of silver is used to block the negative.  This process was tough to maintain because you first have to clean and polish the surface until it looked like mirror. Then the plate would be closed inside a box until yellow rose appear. After being exposed to the light, the plate was made over hot mercury until the image appears. Although you can have problem with the image coming out correct, using salt and tones with gold chloride will fix the detail of the image. Digital photos are different than Daguerreotypes when comes to the process and features.  Digital photos you have pixels that sharpen the image. When it deals with exposure of digital photos are much faster than Daguerreotype. To take a Daguerreotype photo you would have to wait a least 30 minutes. Also, Digital photos have flash, zoom, production, enhancing and resolution.

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Jonathan’s HW#4

I chose this picture because I felt in love with the backlit  light hitting the subject. The shade of light makes the flower have high contrast.


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Filed under Learning Log 3 (Botanic Garden)

Jonathan Flores Classwork 9/12/2012

I chose this photo because I liked the black background, it brings out the focus in the image. Also, I see high contrast which I think stands out the most in the image.

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What Jonathan learn in today’s class 9/5/12.

Before today’s class I didn’t know what Off balance/Asymmetrical mean. After today, I learned that Asymmetrical is a photo that is half of a full frame. The way I used it was taking the photo in half. Its a good thing because sometime you won’t really see the full image, which make finding whats the picture about more fun.

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Filed under learning log 1

Jonathan’s Homework 1

The photographer I chose was Jeff Chien-Hsing Liao. I chose the photo Lynn’s Trapeze from one of his gallery which the theme was amusement parks. The photo can be an advertising ad about amusement parks. I believe Liao is trying to point out how beautiful Coney Island is, by the rides and the way people are enjoying themselves. I also see low key and contrast. In my opinion, Liao chose the whole photo as one focus point. I believe the photo does have some hinder but it doesn’t take much from the photo. In this photo my eyes does flow around since theres lights and different things that are happening. The physical impact that this photograph have are happiness and peacefulness. Many of Liao’s photos are amusement parks and stadiums. I believe he wants to explain how enjoyable and peaceful these places are and I strongly agree with him.

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