Daguerreotype Photos

During our visit to the Brooklyn Historical Society, we were able to take a look at the Daguerreotype Photos which were really old. These images were safely secured with a mini box, helping it not decay so fast. These photos are way different than the regular digital photos because it takes longer to develop so it would take more work than just a normal digital print where you just have to click a few buttons. Also digital images are easier to be damaged so its not as pricey as Daguerreotype photos. While we were looking at these images we had to be really careful with it because it is really delicate and fragile cause its so old. The box and the way it was develop has helped it to remain its texture and everything, even though some images are starting to turn bad and you cant see much details no more. The daguerreotype images has an overlaying   plastic covering it for more protection and it weighs a lot more than regular images . Regular images are just on paper or special type of papers. with all this being said about daguerreotype photos and digital photos it clearly shows that daguerreotype photos are more valuable even though nowadays we use digital images more.

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