Homework 1: Photo description- Alberto Bernal

Matthew Pillsbury in the photo tittle: main reading room, New York public library is a wide angle photo that show the modern way of what’s people go to the library now which is to work in their computer rather than work printed boos which was the what was the library was for. The purpose of this image is to show us one of many ways how computer and the Internet has become a main vital part of our life and how computer has transform many thing including the library. The black and grey picture gives a old time vintage mood which is proper as libraries has been around for a pretty long time yet you know it’s a modern day shot since the computer’s are hard to miss.in this picture we can find a few of the rule we discussed in class from the Steve McCurry video, the first one that you can see right of the bat is the patterns and repetition. You can see that as there’s are nine tables in each side creating a horizontal pattern. Secondly, those lines create great symmetry as those patterns allow the center of the picture to be clear and your eyes focus on the clear hallway which lead your eyes to the doorway, the pattern actually create symmetric of the overall picture but also it creates leading lines as well. You can see those leading lines in the center of the picture which is the clear hallway and those lines lead you to the door, this is a great way to use leading line as visually those line guide you right to the center of the picture yet on the side of the picture you can see and feel the movement of the people in the library going about there routine. Overall I enjoy the busyness on the side of the picture yet when you look at that hallway you completely forget abut everything that’s going on in the side and focus on the calm doorway.


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One Response to Homework 1: Photo description- Alberto Bernal

  1. rmichals says:

    It is interesting that you start with the idea that the function of libraries has changed while what I see in the symmetry and the emphasis on the size and grandeur of the room is instead how the library endures.

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