Prof Sheila Miller’s Profile

Active 7 years, 7 months ago
Prof Sheila Miller
Display Name
Prof Sheila Miller
Assistant Professor
Office Location
Namm 426
Academic interests


My Courses

Prof Sheila Miller hasn't joined any courses yet.

My Projects

MAT 1275 Video Resources

MAT 1275 Video Resources

Struggling a bit with your homework or want to be sure you understand an idea well? Here are videos you can watch, sorted by subject, to help you on your journey. Enjoy! Avatar image and site header created at

Living Lab 3rd Year Fellows

Living Lab 3rd Year Fellows

This is a collaborative space for use by the Third Year Faculty Fellow participants in the General Education Seminar, part of City Tech’s Title V grant-funded initiative A Living Laboratory. This seminar will concentrate particularly on the first and third years of the student experience at our college, with an emphasis on real-world problems. The group’s Avatar contains elements of a photo by tk-link (

Games and Learning FIG

Games and Learning FIG

A Faculty/Staff Interest Group dedicated to the use of games and game-based methodologies in Education.

Opening Gateways Project Management

Opening Gateways Project Management

This is a private group for members of the management team of “Opening Gateways to Completion: Open Digital Pedagogies for Student Success in STEM,” a Title V Cooperative Arrangement grant funded through U.S. Department of Education’s Supporting Hispanic-Serving Institutions program. The project, a collaboration between City Tech and the Borough of Manhattan Community College, is focussed on using Open Digital Pedagogies to increase student success in gateway mathematics courses for STEM disciplines. Avatar image and site header by Flickr user Rosa Say (

Opening Gateways

Opening Gateways

“Opening Gateways to Completion: Open Digital Pedagogies for Student Success in STEM” is a 5-year, $3.2 million grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions program (Title V). The goal is to support student success in mathematics courses that serve as gateways to STEM disciplines, courses that often act as barriers to progress and completion in these disciplines. The project, awarded jointly to the New York City College of Technology (lead) and the Borough of Manhattan Community College (partner) in 2015, brings the two institutions together in a cross-campus collaboration that will introduce open-source digital technologies, open educational resources, and active learning pedagogies into the sequence of high-enrollment mathematics courses required for STEM disciplines at each college. Avatar by Flickr user David Stanley. Site Header by Flickr user Maritè Toledo.

My Clubs

Prof Sheila Miller hasn't created or joined any clubs yet.