Module: Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Model Courses
Part 1: Before you begin
Part 2: Cloning a model course
Part 3: Customizing your course
Part 4: Updating Posts
Part 5: Updating other elements of your course

Most of the remaining items are updated through the Dashboard. You can access the Dashboard (if you are logged in) by clicking on the name of your course where it appears in the black bar at the very top of the screen. The Dashboard is like a behind-the-scenes control panel for your site. Feel free to explore – the main Dashboard Menu appears on the left side of the screen.

  • Site Header. This is the image that appears at the top of your site (currently just a plain solid color with the Course Name in a black box). You can use the same image that you used for your Avatar (while cloning the course), or choose another one.
    • From the Dashboard, go to “Appearance > Header”
    • Look for Current Header displayed on the left – click the button “Add new image” underneath it.
    • On the following screen, select “Upload Files” (just underneath “Choose Image”)
    • Click “Select Files” and find the image on your computer (or drag-and-drop onto the page) to upload the file.
    • Click the green “Select and Crop” button at the bottom right.
    • Crop the header image however you like by dragging the corners and edges of the rectangle, then click “Crop Image”
    • Finally, click the green “Publish” button at the top-left to save your changes.
    • Then click the small “X” to the left of the “Publish” button to return to the Dashboard.
  • Site tag line. The tag line appears under the Course Name in the black box in the header area of your site. It currently reads “Faculty Name | Section | Semester” – we suggest you replace it with your own Name, Section and Semester information.
    • From the Dashboard, go to “Appearance > Customize”.
    • Select “Site Identity” from the menu on the left.
    • Here, you can change your site Title and Tagline.
    • Finally, click the green “Publish” button at the top-left to save your changes.
    • Then click the small “X” to the left of the “Publish” button to return to the Dashboard.
  • ABOUT statement (sidebar). This is the text that appears on the main page of your site, on the top of the right sidebar. Right now it reads “Faculty: Use this widget to share your name, office hours, contact information, and a brief paragraph about this Course.”
    • From the Dashboard go to “Appearance > widgets.”
    • On the right side of the screen, click the box labeled “Sidebar” (it should expand).
    • Inside the Sidebar, click the first box “Text: About.” The box should expand to show you the text of the ABOUT statement. Go ahead and replace the message with a message of your choice.
    • Click the green “Save” button to save changes.

Congratulations – your Course Site is ready!

As you make your final preparations for the semester, please keep in mind the following resources. Good luck!

Model Course Module Exit Survey

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