This video shows how you can use the free Dropbox app to take photos of your work (or use existing photos you’ve already taken), combine them into a single pdf file, and upload them.
Save images as PDF using Dropbox app:
Resources for faculty teaching math courses
This video shows how you can use the free Dropbox app to take photos of your work (or use existing photos you’ve already taken), combine them into a single pdf file, and upload them.
Save images as PDF using Dropbox app:
I had a lot of students ask how to access the class recordings on BCU (Blackboard Collaborate Ultra), so I made a short video demonstrating. I also show how to Join a Session after signing into Blackboard. I’m stressing that my students access class this way so I can verify attendance.
How to access class recordings on BCU
– Bruce Kan
WeBWorK Training
Tuesday August 18, 2:30-4:00 pm
Facilitator: Bruce Kan
Video of 8/18 Workshop: WeBWorK Training (Password: X^%3Kk8F)
Handout: Using WeBWorK
The Mathematics Department offered the following training in August 2020, in the period August 12-21 (some workshops were offered more than once). For Zoom recordings and related resources, follow the links below. At the bottom of this page you will find a collection of general resources for Distance Education.
Online teaching essentials
Facilitators: Jonas Reitz, Samar ElHitti, Bruce Kan
This 90 minute session will cover the essential elements of an online course, drawing on examples from Blackboard and the OpenLab, and will touch on resources, tools, and trainings available to help support you.
Hosting your online course
Facilitators: Samar ElHitti, Bruce Kan
In this session, we cover where to house your online course, including lecturing (synchronous vs asynchronous) and office hours, along with other technologies that support effective online instruction and communication. Emphasis on Blackboard, Blackboard Collaborate Ultra and Zoom.
Online assignments: delivering, collecting, assessing and returning
Facilitators: Samar ElHitti, Bruce Kan
In this session we cover how to use technology to distribute work to your students, as well as collecting them back and grading them. Emphasis on Blackboard, Dropbox and Notability.
Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Dept Model Courses
Facilitators: Jonas Reitz, Kate Poirier
Interested in teaching on the OpenLab? This 90 minute session will explore the features of Model Courses, designed and customized for select courses with built-in resources for distance learning (MAT 1275/1372/1375/1475/1575/2680). This session has an associated online module “Cloning a Model Course for your section.”
Cloning a Model Course for your section on the OpenLab
Online module (asynchronous), 2.5 hours.
This online module will take you through the nuts and bolts of cloning a Model Course on the OpenLab and customizing it for use in your section (MAT 1275/1372/1375/1475/1575/2680).
Exams in an online environment
Facilitators: Samar ElHitti, Bruce Kan
In this session we discuss techniques for effectively giving exams to your students including oral defense sessions and other strategies to promote academic integrity and critical thinking. Emphasis on Blackboard, Dropbox and WeBWorK.
Onboarding your students for a smooth online class experience
Facilitators: Samar ElHitti, Bruce Kan
In this session we take a look at your class from the students’ perspective and discuss important interventions you can implement that can lead to a smooth semester.
Two additional workshops were offered in support of MAT 1275CO. All are welcome.
Teaching MAT 1275CO
Facilitator: Bruce Kan
WeBWorK training
Facilitator: Bruce Kan
City Tech:
Teaching MAT 1275CO
Tuesday August 18, 1:00-2:30 pm
Facilitator: Bruce Kan
Video of 8/18 Workshop: Teaching MAT 1275CO (Password: xKK$Z0Ei)
Handout: Teaching MAT 1275CO
Onboarding your students for a smooth online class experience
Fri 8/14/20 and 8/21/20, 2 pm – 3:30 pm,
Facilitators: Samar ElHitti, Bruce Kan
In this session we take a look at your class from the students’ perspective and discuss important interventions you can implement that can lead to a smooth semester.
Zoom Videos of Workshops (the password for these zoom videos has been distributed separately by the Math Dept):
Handout: Onboarding your students
Exams in an online environment
Fri 8/14/20 and 8/21, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm,
Facilitators: Samar ElHitti, Bruce Kan
In this session we discuss techniques for effectively giving exams to your students including oral defense sessions and other strategies to promote academic integrity and critical thinking. Emphasis on Blackboard, Dropbox and WeBWorK.
Zoom Videos of Workshops (the password for these zoom videos has been distributed separately by the Math Dept):
Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Dept Model Courses
Fri 8/14 and Fri 8/21, 10 am – 11:30 am, Facilitators: Jonas Reitz, Kate Poirier
Interested in teaching on the OpenLab? This 90 minute session will explore the features of Model Courses, designed and customized for select courses with built-in resources for distance learning (MAT 1275/1372/1375/1475/1575/2680). This session has an associated online module “Math Model Courses.”
Zoom Videos of Workshops (the password for these zoom videos has been distributed separately by the Math Dept):
Module: Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Model Courses
Part 1: Before you begin
Part 2: Cloning a model course
Part 3: Customizing your course
Part 4: Updating Posts
Part 5: Updating other elements of your course
Model Courses have been peer reviewed to meet recommended Distance Education and Continuity Best Practices and are considered an open education resource (OER) that lets others use, edit, and remix the material. You need an account on the OpenLab before you begin, and you should be logged in to your account (Join the OpenLab).
Note that an abbreviated version of the steps below, along with general information about Model Courses at the college, can be found in Working with Model Courses.
1: Select a model course from the list on the previous page and click on it (you may wish to right-click and open the link in a new tab, so you can continue to refer to these instructions).
2: In the model course, scroll down the page until you see the heading “Sharing” in the right hand sidebar (about halfway down the page). Click the link “Clone this Course” to start the cloning process.
3: Complete the page, titled “Create/Clone a Course, Step One: Create Profile and site” by filling in information as follows:
4: Complete the next page, titled “Create/Clone a Course, Step Two: Privacy & Member Role Settings” by filling in information as follows:
5: Complete the next page, titled “Create/Clone a Course, Step Three: Avatar” as follows:
6: Complete the next page, titled “Create/Clone a Course, Step Four: Invite Members” as follows:
Congratulations – you have cloned a model course! Right now, you are looking at the Course Profile page – you may not use this page much, unless you want to change any of the settings that you selected in the process above (to change the settings, click “Settings” in the menu on the right). Most of the action during the semester will be in the Course Site – you can reach the Course Site by clicking the link “Visit Course Site” on the right. Go and explore!
Module: Getting started on the OpenLab with Math Model Courses
Part 1: Before you begin
Part 2: Cloning a model course
Part 3: Customizing your course
Part 4: Updating Posts
Part 5: Updating other elements of your course
Most of the remaining items are updated through the Dashboard. You can access the Dashboard (if you are logged in) by clicking on the name of your course where it appears in the black bar at the very top of the screen. The Dashboard is like a behind-the-scenes control panel for your site. Feel free to explore – the main Dashboard Menu appears on the left side of the screen.
As you make your final preparations for the semester, please keep in mind the following resources. Good luck!
To confirm completion of this module, or provide feedback, please complete the form below.
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