Class Info

  • Date: Wed Nov 15
  • Meeting Info: 12p-1:40p, N700



  • “Derivatives – Chain Rule” – reopened until Sun Nov 19
  • “Derivatives – Exponential” – extended to Mon Nov 27

Exam #2:

  • Our 2nd midterm exam will be Monday Nov 20
  • see below for the list of topics that will be covered on the exam and review exercises


The primary topics on the exam will be

  • finding derivatives of various functions, using the various differentiation rules we have covered
  • using the derivative of a function to write the equation of a tangent line
  • the derivative as rate of change, applied to position/velocity/acceleration of a moving object

I listed on the board various WebWork exercises to review. In particular, I have reopened “Derivatives – Chain Rule” since those are especially good review exercises for the various differentiation rules:

  • “Derivatives – Chain Rule”: #3-10, #13
  • “Derivatives – Exponential”: #1 & #5
  • “Derivatives – Trigonmetric”: #1-6
  • “Derivatives – Rates of Change”: #4

As listed above, you can also study the solutions of the quizzes and Exam #1. The Final Exam Review exercises listed refer to the departmental review sheet.

Here is a partial screenshot of the Final Exam Review document, but you can download the full pdf from OpenLab Files or the Math Department website–the full document includes solutions. I highly recommend working out the listed exercises: #3(a)-(e), #4, #6(a)(b), #8(a))–both as review for this upcoming exam, as well as creating a review sheet for yourself for the final exam next month:

We spent the rest of the class setting up some of the exercises above, and doing some related exercises on the board:

We also went through the exercise from Quiz #3 on position and velocity. Full solutions for Quiz #3 will be posted to OpenLab Files shortly: