Lucie Mingla | Section OL92 | Semester: Fall 2020

Category: Introduce Yourself (Page 2 of 4)

Assignment #1 Intro

Hello, my name is Kenny Uruchima and I prefer to be called Kenny. This is my second year at city tech and so far I like it but I miss the traveling to campus in the morning and at night as well. My major is Mechanical Engineering Technology I’m mostly interested in fixing machines, turbines and making/fixing robotic machines. My view and experience on math are really amazing since I’ve always been into math ever since I was a kid and I did struggle at first but I learned with different methods and working around problems in different ways help me grow as a student. Two major things are passing this course and gaining a deeper understanding or Pre-calc, I think just keeping up with the work given and studying for exams are the things that I would have to improve throughout this semester.

Assignment #1- Intro

Greetings, my name is Joanna Quizhpe, I’m a current freshmen in City Tech and will be majoring in Electromechanical Engineering and looking forward to also add a minor in mathematics as well. Some interest of mine would be playing volleyball, at a very young age this sport was presented to me, as well as soccer but I pretty much prefer volleyball. The main genre I prefer listening to would be reggaeton, mainly Spanish music but some days I love listening to rap and pop music as well.

As long as I can remember, math was always a subject that I will always consider my favorite. I will always be the one kid to tutor in a math class to the students who need help, which I enjoyed. One subject that I feel like I need improvement will be geometry, but algebra and trigonometry would be my strongest role. I feel like I will enjoy and learn alot from this class, I always enjoy a challenge and learn new stuff.

Assignment #1

Hey guys, my name is Celia Orozco and my current major is Liberal Arts and Science. This is my third year in NYCCT and I plan to change my major into Exercise Science.I love playing sports and I find science interesting, which is the reason why I plan to become a sports medicine physician. 

When I was in high school I found it more enjoyable because I actually understood the topics in algebra. However, when it comes to calc I’m not the best at it and I do struggle with this topic. I hope that for this semester I am able to keep up and understand everything we are doing. I feel like when it comes to math as long as you understand and are able to complete a problem you get more invested. There are a couple of things that I am going to need the most help in which include remembering formulas, knowing when to use them and being able to execute them the best possible way. 

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