Pablo Lara Statistics Project Draft


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Welcome MAT 1372 students!

Above is the imagined satellite image of NYC (lower Ā Manhattan and nearby Brooklyn) with a sea level rise of 8 m (25 ft). Some predict this magnitude of a rise will happen within 200 years, later if we curb our greenhouse gas emissions, earlier if we do not take significant measures to reduce our emissions. The larger originalĀ imageĀ includesĀ midĀ ManhattanĀ as well andĀ can be viewed inĀ GoogleĀ Earth. The consensus for the end of the present century predicts a rise of about 5 ft. The Brooklyn Waterfront Research Center which is affiliated with City Tech has a blog posting from an event last spring which has a similar map but this one is for the vulnerability of Brooklyn to a hurricane (made before Sandie!). Keep in mind that sea level rise and increased vulnerability to hurricanes are separate but highly related issues.

At the main mathematical society meeting held this past January, 2013 was declared to be the Year of theĀ Mathematics of Planet Earth. The Scientific American has an article which reports on it and much information and links can be found on the blog set up for the year.

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