You may be getting the “CUNY Brief” emails at your CityTech email address–it’s a weekly newsletter which collects links to various news items regarding CUNY.
Towards the bottom of the emails there’s a “Student Center” which typically includes job opportunities:

The last listing above caught my attention since it involves data analysis, and so it’s related to our course. Here’s the direct link to the job listing:
- Innocence Project: Science and Research Data Analysis Intern
Here are the relevant lines from the job description:
Interns can expect the opportunity to organize and clean datasets, code variables, conduct research to obtain new information about exoneration cases, enter data into datasets, and conduct basic statistical analyses. This work will be in support of research we undertake about a variety of topics relating to our case management process and details involving wrongful convictions and their consequences to individuals and to society.
If you’re interested in viewing any of the other listings above, you can see that CUNY Brief here.
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