Reading Response to Malcolm X Alexander David 

The words “for evil to bend its knees, admits it guilty”P10 from Malcolm X. When I read this quote, I think off the effect it has. When the author says evil bends its knees, admits it guilty. The act off getting on your knees gives me many ideas, the one that comes to my mind is praying. Whenever someone prays it usually to a god off some sort. This could be for forgiveness, for guidance’s, for salvation or even for admitting one sins. This is exactly what Hes doing, Hes admitting to his sins in the past.  

Another great quote being “The hardest test I ever faced in my life was praying”P5 by Malcolm X. At first you think off physical aspects off praying like being on your knees, or the hand signs you have to maintain, or the stiffness you get in your back. That’s not what the author is saying at all, the whole reason Hes saying it hard to pray is because off his past. He was a robber getting on his knees and lock picking doors. Getting on his knees for criminal activity flooding his mind off the past. He learns from his past and it made him into the man he was. He took praying as a way to save him from his sins. 

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