Reading Response Malcolm X- Laurencia Colon

Malcolm X demonstrated determination to read and write very impressively. He developed two ideas, firstly to get himself a dictionary to enable him learn words and secondly to improve his writing skills. “I saw that the best thing i could do was to get hold of a dictionary to study, to learn some words. I was lucky enough to reason also that I should try to improve my penmanship” Paragraph 3. He was willing to do everything possible to give himself the benefits of becoming someone of substance. From copying words even punctuation marks to reading back to himself what he has written and reading back to himself over and over again until finally he learnt to expressed himself in reading and writing.

” I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity- because you can hardly mention anything I’m not curious about”. Apart from being determined Malcolm X was a natural curious and ambitious person. He finds that the more he reads the more satisfying pleasure he gives his curiosity. He makes reading a habit and a means to educate himself on significant information that he thinks might be able to help the black man.

3 thoughts on “Reading Response Malcolm X- Laurencia Colon”

  1. Hey Lauren, I agree with everything you said about Malcolm, and isn’t it interesting how much life changing power comes with knowledge. So much so Malcolm believes he could help the black man.

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