Writing Task Resilience – Haileson Dover

One of the difficulties I’ve experienced during the pandemic was learning how to quickly adapt to the change. When the pandemic first started, I was still in high school and for two weeks we had no school. Then suddenly were all online doing our classes and schoolwork. And as we transitioned to online classes we were all expected to keep up and do everything. I personally get distracted at home and I cant focus and there were definitely a lot of other students who have different situations at home where school becomes the escape. When the city locked down there wasn’t an incentive to go outside anymore for a lot of people too. We as students were essentially trapped in the confines of our own homes.

A strategy I used to cope was reaching out to old friends on the internet and going to the park. Since no one was outside, parks were really peaceful and i nice way to just get out. Playing games online that forced me to have to interact with other players helped me keep my social skills up. Especially when i was talking with my old friends and reconnecting with them. It let me know that there’s still people out there. It reassured me that there’s other people out there dealing with the same thing who feel the same way.

1 thought on “Writing Task Resilience – Haileson Dover”

  1. Haileson. I don’t get what is the ONE thing that was hard. Your Par One doesn’t have a clear focus.
    Notice that I am asking you to focus on ONE thing. Each paragraph has a focus on ONE idea. One hardship and then One coping strategy.

    Par 2 is better, but you could focus more clearly on the ONE coping strategy that helped you with the ONE hardship that is supposed to be the focus for Par 1.

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