Writing Task Resilience-Patricia

I remember especially when I was in high school because that’s when the pandemic started, the first two weeks of online schooling I was scared about the pandemic but class online was much more easier than when it was in person. This is mainly because I didn’t really like most of my teachers I mean they were be friendly and all but some of the work that they would give would either be too much or too difficult to understand, usually I would sit next to my friend to help me out or cheat off of each other. But with online teachers really couldn’t teach the same way they would in person so they would have to come up with a whole new lesson plan to make it easier to teach it online. Usually that would require watching a video and for homework posting key highlights of that video or how can we relate to that video. It would mainly be three questions or four or five. It is because they knew that we had to do stuff at home, whether it was a doctors appointment and we will go in class on our phones to the doctors appointment or chores that we had to do around the house in. It just had to be something that would take away your class time. The teachers were more understanding online than in person and due dates would be extended for like weeks are in or if we missed any assignments three weeks or more before the end of the school year we would get to make all of it up and the teacher would probably take away one or two points from the original grade we could’ve gotten if we turned it in on time but they still considered grading them all. Unlike in person the teacher would not graded at all and we would end up failing that class. I really loved when classes would be asynchronous because then they would type in Google classroom that “ This is a time to make up any missing work, please use this time wisely” or “ finish up what we started in class”. It will just be something simple and usually most of us did not take the time to do any missing work. We would usually take the time to sleep or play video games some of us would actually use the time wisely. It wasn’t until the end of my junior year and a whole senior year that I would be experiencing procrastination and whole bunch of laziness like I really did not want to do the work even though it meant that I needed to pass and graduate. I remember I would literally text or call my friend and ask if they did the work and they said no so I thought to myself since they didn’t do it I didn’t need to either. For some reason in my mind I feel like the whole class didn’t to the work and in most cases that was true. 

How did I cope with this? To be honest I really don’t know I guess the feeling of not wanting to repeat that class and stay in high school while everyone else went off to college, I would picture myself feeling embarrassed. But I would post their new campuses I’ll be laying in bed trying to figure out how do I pass my senior year again. So I guess that thought really helped me to wake up and stay on track and of course I had some teachers to talk to about it. Especially my guidance counselor she said a lot of students I feel the same way and they’re all scared because it feels like they’re too comfortable and they don’t know how to get out from their comfort zone. So I knew I wasn’t the only one struggling with this. I even saw some kids posting it on social media. It was a very hard year for all of us and I’m just really proud that I’ve got opportunity to graduate from my school during the pandemic. 

1 thought on “Writing Task Resilience-Patricia”

  1. Wow this was fun to read. Your details about your perspective about online learning actually being easier for students made me smile. Now you need to “ramble” less and focus more!

    In Par One: you need to focus on ONE hardship and express it as precisely as you can. This paragraph should be focused more on the ONE thing that was hard for you during the pandemic.

    Was your ONE thing that was hardest — in this sentence that you put way down into the middle of the paragraph? “It wasn’t until the end of my junior year and a whole senior year that I would be experiencing procrastination and whole bunch of laziness.” Better if you had started and focused on procrastination/laziness as the focus for the paragraph. And give details about how you procrastinated!

    Notice: I am asking you to focus on ONE thing. Each paragraph has a focus on ONE idea. One hardship and then One coping strategy.

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