Unit 2 leads to Unit 3: From the classroom (RAB) moving out into the wider world (Letter Assignment)
Q: What are you going to do with the knowledge that you have gained?
A: Write a letter.
- Required length: 500 words minimum
- Good Topic Sentences that tell the MI of each paragraph
- Good Paragraphing for new topic
- Draft due to the Open Lab by Monday December 7
- Unit 3 Final Letter due with Final Writing Porfolio on December 16.
First you will determine:
Identity: Who are you? Audience: Who needs to hear your message? Purpose: Educate or Persuade or Provide a Solution Support: Give a hyperlink to one of your sources to provide reference or support for your message
IDEAS for your letter:
- Give advice to a friend on your topic. The right way/the wrong way.
- Tell what you’ve learned about…Best 3 things you have learned
- Tell what you’ve experienced on this topic
- Give heart to someone who feels the struggle of _______ (mental health)
- How have you changed? How has your thinking changed? What do you know now that you did not know before?
- What benefits?
- If you had to train someone to …
- Do you have a “take” on your topic?
- Can you tell how your experience …
- Argue for the pros and cons of …
Here again is the Letter Assignment (also on the Assignments page and on the Announcements pages for recent class dates) Essay Unit #3 Letter Assignment