Proposed Topics/RQs and Possible Source leads
If you have no ideas yet — some topics that might lead to a good research question:
- Fast fashion— What is it? What is the impact on the environment? How can we move to a more sustainable fashion?
- AI — How is AI changing _____ (education? industry? media?)
- Happiness: How can you find happiness? What is the secret to happiness? What is the best mindset to achieve happiness?Does success, money lead to happiness? What are ways to find happiness? Can happiness be measured? What are the health benefits of happiness? Can people reach true happiness?
- Podcast:
- Lazy and Procrastination: Why do people procrastinate? What is the science behind procrastination and why people procrastinate?
- Good TED talk on procrastination
- Veganism: What does it mean to be a vegan? How and when did it become popular?
- Cancer: Why haven’t we found a cure for cancer? Alzheimer’s?
- Movies: Why do people love horror movies?
- Pandemic: How has the pandemic altered social interactions?
From our class members:
Ethan: Youth and MJ and Brain: How does marijuana affect adolescent brains? How do soft drugs affect adolescent brains? (mj, alcohol, nicotine)
Jermain: How has hip-hop and rap changed English Language?
- How Hip Hop Became Am’s Poetry (NYT op ed)
- Relationship btw Hip HOp and the English Language
- Rap’s Impact on Language
- Hip Hop American Changing — not for the Better (opinion-ed but it’s not about language)
- The Impact of Hip Hop on Language/Slang
Destiny: How is African music becoming accepted as a global art form?
Iren: Does the paranormal world exist? Is there any basis for believing paranormal activity? IS there a cultural basis for belief in paranormal activity? What is the connection between folklore and belief in paranormal activity?
- Many American Say They Believe in Ghosts. Do You? (NYT)
- Using Science to Investigate the Paranormal
- Why I dont’ believe in Ghosts (NYT op ed BUT IT’s 2003 — very old)
- I believe in Ghosts (op ed)
- Belive in Ghost Stories (LA Times op ed)
- Why I believe in G and You Should Too (op ed Yale)
Jonathan: How is virtual reality and augmented reality affecting the medical field? maybe focus on therapy? Physical therapy? How is virtual reality changing therapy? helpign with mental illness.
Yu: Why are immigrant children achieving success?
Zahir: Why is gambling a problem for professional athletes? — OR —
Sports Betting: Why is Sports Betting harmful or a problem for fans and for professional athletes?
What is the effect of Sports Betting on people who bet/gamble?
- Ohtani and Sports Media’s Big Gambling Problem
- THe Human Cost of Sports BEtting
- How Sports Betting Hit the Mainstream in America (NYT podcast The Daily)
- First came the Sports Betting Boom. Now Backlash
- NFL Announcement of the formation of the Coalition for Responsible Sports Betting Advertising
- Sports Betting, Problem Gambling
- The Big Questions about Sports Wagering in America
- MLB’s betting rules explained: What players (and interpreters) can and can’t do
- Leagues Have More than Just Players to Watch
- LA Sports Fans Bewildered by Gambling Scandal
IDEA: Is football a dangerous and violent sport? What is CTE and how is it connected to Football? Should we let our youth play football? What is the connection and football head injury?
Cristina: What is green architecture and — How do green roofs / architecture / green buildings make urban architecture sustainable?
Moziah: Why is there low voting turnout for the working class? OR — more general, not just working class: What explains low voting turnout? Why don’t Americans vote? What is the reason for low voting turn out?
- Why don’t young people vote? What the reason for voter apathy among young people?
Domenica: Is animal testing necessary for medical research? for pharmaceutical drugs? Is this a necessry evil is t here a way to advance drug research without testing it on animals? Jermain: horshoe crabs and vax research
- DomenicaWhat Would It Mean to Treat Animals Fairly_ _ The New Yorker
- Op-eds:
- Turing the Tide on Animal Suffering (NYT op ed Nicholas Kristof)
- Domenica Opinion _ Medical development without animal testing is the goal, but we’re not there yet – The Washington Post
- Domenica Opinion _ It’s barbaric to use animals to test pharmaceuticals – The Washington Post
My example topic: Anti Asian sentiment on the rise during CoVId
Sources for my example RQ: How has the pandemic exacerbated xenophobia focusing especially on Anti-Asian hostility?
The Forgotten HIstory of the Purging of Chinese From America (NYer Magazine feature article)
I’m Done Being Your Model Minority (NYT Op-Ed)
`Asian American Community Battles Surge in Hate Crimes Stirred From Covid (PBS Newshour)
As CV Spreads, So Does Anti-Asian Sentiment (NYT)
Artists Fight Coronavirus-Related Racism on Instagram (KQED SFran public radio story)
Corona Virus Infected My High School NYT op-doc by Ch Am high school student
I am not virus. I human being. Eradicate the Prejudice. Italian Chinese Mx Jiang’s video
Italian Chinese Mx Jiang’s video
Spit on, Yelled at, Asian Am Fear Safety (NYT)
He was a Rising Jazz Artist. NYC dreams Shattered. Japanese Jazz pianist attacked 10/22/20
Photoville: Asian Americans on Race and the Pandemic Outdoor Photography Exhibit BBPark
AYang op ed Wash Post apr 1 Asian Am we are part of the cure
When Xenophobia Spreads like a Virus NPR radio podcast
Asian American Author Talks about Racism
When Asian Americans Have to Prove We Belong Sunday NYT
How Asian American Leaders are Grappling with Xenophobia Amid CV
How the Pandemic is Fueling Anti Chinese racist (podcast Toronto Star)
How CV is Exposing American’s Anti-Asian Racism (video Huff Post)
Misogyny Against Asian American Women Atlanta GA (Huff Post on March 17 serial killings)
Asian American Seniors Hate Crime Target (Huff Post)
Amanda Nguyen instagram video on We Dying To Be Heard
Moustafa Bayoumi NPR interview How Does It Feel to be a Problem: Being Young and Arab in America
Examples of Source 3 non-print genre for my RQ: How has the CV pandemic exacerbated xenophobia focusing especially on Anti-Asian hostility?
- Photoville: Asian Americans on Race and the Pandemic Outdoor Photography Exhibit Bkln Bridge Park
- Time Magazine: “I will not Stand Silent. 10 Asian Americans Reflect on Racism During the Pandemic and the Need for Equality”
- Corona Virus Infected My High School NYT opinion-documentary (op-doc) by Chinese Am high school student
- Asian American Women Fear Racist Violence Harrassment CNN interview news clip
- When Xenophobia Spreads like a Virus NPR radio podcast
- I am not virus. I human being. Eradicate the Prejudice. Italian Chinese Mx Jiang’s video
- Italian Chinese Mx Jiang’s video
- Asian American Community Battles Surge in Hate Crimes Stirred From Covid (PBS Newshour tv news clip)