Rhetorical Analysis and Quotabes- Yue

Part 3 Rhetorical Analysis

The genre of the article,” Schools are killing curiosity” by Wendy Berliner is feature piece. Berliner is a journalist of Education media. Berliner believes teachers should encourage students to ask questions to help them become more curious. The primary audience of this article is target toward the educators, parents and education policymakers. In the article the tone she uses passionate and with her previous book she has written like “How to Succeed at School “, and “What Every Parent Should Know.”  Berline was found to be credible through the books she had written. She employs pathos in the story of a high school where one of the students asked a question and she was told no more questions in class. The purpose is to inform people of the importance of curiosity in schools and raise awareness about the need for change in education practices. The Guardian is a reliable source because is a ranked UK newspaper brand by 73% of the readers. This article was written in Jan 2020, the information that’s proved isn’t current.

Part 4 Notable Quotables

“Promotion curiosity in children, especially those from environments of economic disadvantage, may be an important, under-recognized way to address the achievement gaps.” –  Dr. Prachi Shah, Paragraph 6

“The teacher stopped her mid-sentence with, Zoe, no questions now, please; it’s time for learning.” –  Susan Engel, Paragraph 9

“The children took to the new objects immediately, making slides for building blocks with guttering, dens and spaceships with cardboard boxes and having conversations with imaginary people on old phones.” – Berliner, Paragraph 14

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