One Scene- Domenica

My aunt led us to a big white office. We meet with Mr. Rodriguez, he was a tall, fat and he had a big nose, his hair was light brown. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt it fit him tight I thought the button was about to explode and hit my face. Even though, he looked really fancy I felt comfortable because he looked Hispanic. My aunt greeted us with her broken English “ Goos moning Mr. Rodriguez I’m here to registar my niece, this is her mother and that’s her dauter.” Mr. Rodriguez said in Spanish “Yo hablo español tranquila necesito que pasen la niña le voy hacer unas preguntas.’’ To translate he said “ I speak Spanish don’t worry I need the girl to sit down and I’m going to ask her some questions.” I sat down and I could feel my heart racing, struggling to hold back my tears. “Goos moning Mr. Rodriguez , my name es Domenica” I said , he made me sit down and asked a lot of basic question that I understood everything “ How old are you” , “ What is your favorite color”, “ What grade are you going to” , “ What is your favorite thing to do.” I knew all the answers, but I was too afraid to pronounce it wrong “I’m eleven yers old”, “My favorit color is blu and I’m grade six” “ I like to read.” I hated reading but that was the first thing in my mind that I knew how to say. He smiled “You would be going to an international academy, they’re newcomers like you so don’t worry.” He said in Spanish and reached to shake my hand. He looked at my aunt and ask her for some documents that I need to register. Mr. Rodriguez then finally noticed my mom and told her to hug me because I start today, I saw how my mom’s faced changed she wasn’t excited for me anymore, she was worried. I immediately hold my mom’s hand tight; I was really scared. My aunt gave me a big hug and said goodbye, my mom hugged me and with watery eyes told me that she’ll be back at two pm sharp to pick me up. I didn’t say a word, Mr. Rodriguez made us leave his office and he walked me to my first class. While we were walking, I turned around to see my mom she just looked at me with tears on her eyes and waived a goodbye. When I couldn’t see her anymore, I felt anxious I was sweating, and my hands were shaking.

We only went up to the third floor, although there were very few stairs, it felt like an eternity, every step I went up I only thought that I wanted it to be over so I could be with my mother. Then we walked to the end of the hallway, it was last room in the hallway. He stood Infront of me and said welcome to class 655 while opening the door my heart was about to explode. As soon as he opened the door, he made me go first and said, “Good morning students, this is Domenica and she’s a new student.” I went completely red and just started at the floor. “She’s also new here to New York like all of you guys are, can someone please guide her to her first day of school”. Everyone was completely quiet until a beautiful girl with very long dark hair, she was wearing the uniform like everybody was, it was white shirt with beige jeans she raised her hand and said “I can do it” with a big smiled. “Thank you, Sharon.” Mr. Rodriguez said and made me sat down next to her. When Mr. Rodriguez left Sharon started to asked me a bunch of questions, “De donde eres?”, “Eres de Colombiana”, “Hace cuanto tiempo llegaste”. To translate she said “Where are you from?”, “Are you Colombian?”, “ How long ago did you arrived?”. Before I could answer the teacher asked me to take my jacket off, but I didn’t understand one word she told me to do so I just sat there, but Sharon noticed and translate it for me “She said to take off your jacket, don’t worry I also just arrived here, it has only been 4 months.” She said in Spanish. I felt like I could breathe again. Everybody there spoke Spanish as their first language they were newcomers just like me, I felt like I belonged.

1 thought on “One Scene- Domenica”

  1. YOU NEED PARAGRAPH BREAKS! We have been discussing this inclass — Have you been in class? Avoid long blocks of text!

    Then think–What are the next events that move my story forward? From your previous outline, you still have more important events. Remember to chose carefully WHICH events you will highlight in a scene.

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