Ron D.


Eng 1101

2 Success Tips

Tip #1:  Come to class (Mentally)

I chose this tip as my first tip because I felt as if it was the most important. I say this because it’s one thing to come to class and show up, but it’s another thing to be there mentally; and whether you’re there or not mentally will be the biggest factor of whether you learn something or not. I also feel like when you are there mentally you will automatically do almost everything else, like being there physically (mindfulness), participating (engaged), understanding (deadlines/syllabus). Being there mentally will help you out a lot, and help you get the most out of the class.

Tip #2:  Try New Things

I chose this as my 2nd tip because it’s important to try new things, and not just in class but in life. Trying new things leads to growth and necessary change, it helps people have new experiences will can lead to a more joyful life. In order to get something you never had you need to do something you’ve never done before, this truth remains the same because nothing changes if nothing changes. Getting out of your comfort zone is what keeps you alive because comfort kills, and when your comfortable you’re not really living. 

These are my two tips and they are something that I will implement into my life starting from now, in and outside the classroom. 

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