Success tips- Cristina

Tip 1: Come to class (mentally). This tip is something I feel could be useful to me during the semester. Being mentally present is just as important as physically present. There have been many times I’ve been physically present in class but my mind wasn’t really present. Not because I’m on my phone all the time but sometimes I get distracted by my own thoughts. When I catch myself doing this I try to just shake it off and focus. Usually if I catch myself doing it, I try to participate in some way to engage myself .

Tip 2: Find study skills that work for you. This tip is very important especially when it comes to writing. It took me a while to find what works best for me when writing. I find that handwriting a very messy first draft helps me when writing because, I can put all my ideas down and then organize them and structure them better. I hope to discover more study skills that work for me during the semester.

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