Nauroz Karim- Intro

I’m Nauroz, it’s my first semester here and I am looking forward to learning with everyone here! The photo above doesn’t really have any relevance to my life but its a picture I enjoy because its something simple and random which are things that I can relate to as a person. I would say I’m simple (not in a dumb way) because it doesn’t take much for me to be satisfied with life. I always strive to be great and successful and wish the same for everyone else that I meet

I was born and raised in NY, I’m also really fond with music and I’m always interested with what other people listen to. The type of music people listen to can tell a lot about what they enjoy in life and I like to connect through music. When I’m bored I usually stay on the game with my friends. I look forward to learning and collaborating with all of you and hope you guys live a grand life.

1 thought on “Nauroz Karim- Intro”

  1. Hi, I’m Yue, I feel the same way as you in life, it doesn’t take much to satisfy me, and I am always trying to be successful and do well. I also find that music is the easiest way to connect with people since it tells you what kind of people they are after knowing what type of music they listen to.

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