Rhetorical Analysis and Quotables – Cristina

Part 3: Rhetorical Analysis

This source appears to be an educational article focusing on the importance of curiosity in children’s learning and its implications for education. The authors of the article is Wendy Berliner. Wendy Berliner is a journalist and co-author of “How to Succeed at School: Separating Fact from Fiction. What Every Parent Should Know,” which suggests she has expertise and experience in education-related topics, making her credible. The writing style is informative and persuasive. It aims to draw attention to the importance of child development. The tone conveyed by the author is concerned and urgent, highlighting the loss of curiosity in traditional educational settings. The author seems passionate about advocating for a more curiosity-driven approach to education. The author establishes credibility by referencing a study conducted by researchers from the University of Michigan CS Mott Children’s Hospital and the Center for Human Growth and Development. This appeals to ethos. The author appeals to pathos by discussing the loss of creativity and education that is a result from the lack of curiosity. The intended audience appears to be parents and educators. The author appeals to this specific audience because they have a direct influence to childrens education.They can encourage them to foster curiosity in children to prioritize curiosity-driven learning. Wendy Berliner, a journalist specializing in education, brings relevant expertise to the article. Additionally, referring to a study conducted by institutions like the University of Michigan adds credibility to the article.

Part 4: Notable Quotes

“Teachers who concentrate on developing focus and good behaviour because of the links to good academic performance, now need to take on board that developing curiosity could be even more important.” (Paragraph 6)

“In one lesson she observed, a ninth grader raised her hand to ask if there were any places in the world where no one made art. The teacher stopped her mid-sentence with, ‘Zoe, no questions now, please; it’s time for learning.’” (Paragraph 10)

“Yet the latest American research suggests we should be encouraging questions, because curious children do better.” (Paragraph 3)

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