Outline & Opening – Ron D.

“You don’t have to do that when you have so many people rooting against you already who want to see you fail and mess up”.

Words said by my mother during the intervention she called for me. I was headed down the wrong path and slowly but surely creating an addiction that would be hard to get out of. I had developed a new habit of smoking weed, which was very destructive and detrimental to me and my health. A form of self-destruction that I was committing by my own free will, so the ones who wished to see me fail didn’t have to do anything except sit back and watch.

My mothers words are both real and harsh, the harsh truth of what I needed to hear. The wake up call I needed. Those words struck a chord in my mind allowing me to reflect and re-analyze my thoughts and actions, and despite being high while hearing it because I had smoked right before the intervention, it was a moment of clarity for me. Realization and reality crept in as I started to think. Think about whether or not I was going to continue to keep heading down this path or not. Then came time to make a decision within myself, and ever since that day I never indulged in those substances again. 

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