Writing Task Saved-Destiny Sandy

“She won’t ever go back to school”, said by one thought by many. Anyone would be quick to think this about me, especially with how I was living my life. As you can imagine There’s a stigma attached to young single mothers. The first thing people think about when hearing a 20 year old young woman is pregnant, unmarried, and working as a waitress is that she won’t make it anywhere. Because it’s impossible to get an education or a career with a baby, right? Wrong! I’m living proof that it is definitely possible. With a strong support system and determination success can be yours. My son is truly the best thing to happen to me and I wouldn’t change a thing because who he has made me become. Becoming a mother has opened my eyes on so many things and has caused me to think differently. The rebellious wild young woman I used to be is no more.

It’s crazy how much can change in just a year. 19 year old Destiny was very stubborn, well nothing has changed in that department but that isn’t the point. I literally RAN from school. My dreams of becoming an actress were too big for me to think about an education. “A degree? What for? I’m already working with an entertainment company and I’m getting paid for my acting, why would I need a degree. It’s a waste of money and time that I don’t have”. I literally told myself any and everything to justify why I wouldn’t go back to school. For months on end. my mother was constantly in my ear, “When are you going back to school? Why aren’t you going back”. I knew I had no intention of going back, but with my high-pitched lying voice I always replied, “Yea I am, I’m just taking a break” with a smile. I didn’t want her to see or hear the deception in me. After a point of time that wasn’t good enough for her, the tension in the house grew. I was walking on eggshells around her as the smallest inconvenience would start an hour long lecture on college. I didn’t want to pay to be lectured at school much less at home.

4 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved-Destiny Sandy”

  1. Destiny: Very good start here!

    I can see that your story is about being a single mom YET finding your way back to school and college. Also I think your story is about how motherhood can actually be a strength and advantage and has led you to discover personal growth and maturity.


    In your second paragraph:

    It’s crazy how much can change in just a year. 19 year old [Nineteen year old – need to spell out at the beginning of sentence –] Destiny was very stubborn, CS error – fix by change to period full stop].  Well nothing has changed in that department but that isn’t the point. I literally RAN from school. [I like the way your use RAN in captials here! More CSD needed – did you drop out of high school? OR did you graduate and go straight to work?

    EVENT Confrontation with Mom SHOW ME THE CONVO — Now here think about creating a scene with dialogue back and forth, you and your mother. Try to make your writing come alive – try to make Theatre of the Mind for your reader.

    My dreams of becoming an actress were too big for me to think about an education. “A degree? What for? I’m already working with an entertainment company and I’m getting paid for my acting [CSD needed! – WHAT job? What kind of acting? This sounds interesting but you aren’t giving details. IS this a convo between you and your mother? Your father? Could this part be a scene with dialogue? Are you having a fight with mother? Where? When?]

    , why would I need a degree. It’s a waste of money and time that I don’t have”. [Punctuation always goes inside the quotes so move the period inside the ending quotation mark.] I literally told myself any and everything to justify why I wouldn’t go back to school. [GIve me one or two of these statements]

    For months on end. my mother was constantly in my ear, “When are you going back to school? Why aren’t you going back”.

    I knew I had no intention of going back, but with my high-pitched lying voice I always replied, “Yea I am, I’m just taking a break” with a smile. I didn’t want her to see or hear the deception in me.

    After a point of time that wasn’t good enough for her, the tension in the house grew. I was walking on eggshells around her as the smallest inconvenience would start an hour long lecture on college. I didn’t want to pay to be lectured at school much less at home.

    Now what are the next events that will move your story forward?

    Write an outline of the events that you will include and that will make your story come alive.

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