writing task mentor quote – Ethan

“If you want it, you gotta get it by any means”

It was my father who said that to me when i was younger . We was at a car show in manhattan, my little brother was also there. The cars around me were worths hundreds of thousands, and beauty. motivation in my eyes. Although he said what he said it never really had a move on me till later on.

When i think about the saying now, it was for the better of myself. A while ago I was lazy, didn’t like doing much at all. School wasn’t a strong suit for me, i just wanted things to come to me. These words helped me move forward by him showing me that being determined to something or pursuing my ambitions gives purpose. The quote wasn’t just for goals it was also used in my academic field also. Just hearing the saying in my head makes want to keep going for my degree and knowledge.

Truly all of this continues to impact me in college because i know this is where it all starts. At the time my dad told me this, we both had a big liking in cars and fast toys but he knew by telling me i would have to pursue my goals early. While that being said college is just the beginning to my journey and my 5 car garage/workshop.

2 thoughts on “writing task mentor quote – Ethan”

  1. ETHAN: Ok this is a start, but there is a lot missing here.

    “If you want it, you gotta get it by any means[.” Need a period]

    It was my father who said that to me when i was younger . We was at a car show in manhattan, my little brother was also there. The cars around me were worths hundreds of thousands, and beauty. motivation in my eyes. Although he said what he said it never really had a move on me till later on. â€“ WHAT names of cars? Colors of cars? Were the cars up on a stage?  SHOW me what a car show is like – create theatre of the mind for your reader!SHOW me with CSD.  WHAT type of car-beauty do you mean? SHOW ME the beauty of the car world! Jacob Javitz center – WHERE was the car show? 

    When i think about the saying now, it was for the better of myself. A while ago I was lazy, didn’t like doing much at all. School wasn’t a strong suit for me, i just wanted things to come to me. [CSD needed – were you failing classes? Were you lazy – SHOW me what the lazy Ethan was like! What grade was this time?]

    These words helped me move forward by him showing me that being determined to something or pursuing my ambitions gives purpose. The quote wasn’t just for goals it was also used in my academic field also. Just hearing the saying in my head makes want to keep going for my degree and knowledge. You say “held me move forward”. WHAT were the next steps that show you moving forward? What events show you being transformed into a more serious student? What classes show your improvement?

    Truly all of this continues to impact me in college because i know this is where it all starts. At the time my dad told me this, we both had a big liking in cars and fast toys but he knew by telling me i would have to pursue my goals early. While that being said college is just the beginning to my journey and my 5 car garage/workshop. WHAT is this garage? Do you and your dad own a garage business? OR are you planning to major in a car-related field? 



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