Writing Task Saved – Jermain

Roblox is a popular meta-verse where users can make games. I’ve been a site member since I was about 11  years old. So, my account age is basically before Christ. The ability to create your games has always piqued my interest, so I have attempted numerous times. For months and years, I used toolboxes and premade code to edit and modify here and there. Building in a 3D environment was relatively simple; as with any skill, you must practice and gradually improve. However, programming… Hell! Mental Torture! Math!. When I began developing my systems, they were simple, cluttered, and inefficient, but they served their purpose, which was the only passing criteria because I care about my mental health.

In my early stages, if I encountered a bug and my code stopped working, I would abandon programming for weeks. I started dabbling with some complicated techniques and gradually grasped them. However, I would run into big problems, which would evolve in difficulty.. I was 11 not Da vinchi. Seeing as I wasn’t an expert in these advanced techniques, I’d not only stop programming for weeks but for months but eventually got over the mountain of frustration I felt with my shitty code. I became interested in debugging again, allowing me to resume my practice.

Plenty of time at home during the pandemic. I spent hours and hours optimizing more efficient and intricate code. I realized how simple everything had become. I was basically god or at least god of Roblox, and my confidence had grown, so minor setbacks were solved in moments instead of weeks or months. With years of practice, I’ve obtained programming on Roblox, and I realized… I am a genius, no, but really. Once I understood the syntax, I understood that picking up a new programming language would be easy because of my experience. I’ve grown, and not just in height. In hindsight, I regret all the time I wasted avoiding my mistakes when I could have solved them and resumed practice.

I apply this method of thinking to my education and life, which helps me remain calm and focused while striving toward my goals. My experiences have given me insight, and I now move forward with the intention that perseverance and grit will ultimately help me achieve my goals. Coding has rescued me from my quitting mindset, allowing me to improve my confidence in producing results and trusting the process.

2 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved – Jermain”

  1. Jermain: good start

    What’s the main idea / focus of your story? Is it a story of how coding in Roblox taught you to keep persevering? Is it a story of discovery for you? Discovery of a passion for programing. Learning to persevere through hard challenges is an important lesson. Is the pandemic part of your story? Pandemic and time off from real-school offered you time to learn and concentrate on Roblox and coding? 

    Notice that you are only telling me. Instead you must SHOW me with scenes that create Theatre of the Mind and make your story exciting.

    Can you reach back into your memory for best scenes that could tell this story? Then put together an outline of events in order that would show me your story.

    I: introduce Roblox and your fascination with this program.

    Roblox is a popular meta-verse where users can make games. I’ve been a site member since I was about 11 years old. So, my account age is basically before Christ. The ability to create your games has always piqued my interest, so I have attempted numerous times. For months and years, I used toolboxes and premade code to edit and modify here and there. Building in a 3D environment was relatively simple; as with any skill, you must practice and gradually improve. However, programming… Hell! Mental Torture! Math!. When I began developing my systems, they were simple, cluttered, and inefficient, but they served their purpose, which was the only passing criteria because I care about my mental health.

    II. Scene of your hitting a wall: In my early stages, if I encountered a bug and my code stopped working, I would abandon programming for weeks. I started dabbling with some complicated techniques and gradually grasped them. However, I would run into big problems, which would evolve in difficulty.. I was 11 not Da vinchi.  [HERE a good place to çreate a scene; SHOW me your room or kitchen WHERE was this 11-year old Jermain working? WHAT project were you making?  SHOW me the “big problem!” DO NOT JUST TELL ME — SHOW me! SHOW me the wall you hit!

    III. SHOW me how you spent those “weeks” when you “abandoned” coding. Were you bored? What sparked your interest to try again and get back into programming?

    IV. Pandemic coding! Plenty of time at home during the pandemic. [more details and maybe good place to create a scene – Pandemic coding – WHAT was this like? CSD needed. IS this an event in your story? SHOW me a scene of you in co-vid isolation and concentrating on programming and making advancements and feeling like “God” of programming!] I spent hours and hours optimizing more efficient and intricate code. I realized how simple everything had become. I was basically god or at least god of Roblox, and my confidence had grown, so minor setbacks were solved in moments instead of weeks or months. With years of practice, I’ve obtained programming on Roblox, and I realized… I am a genius, no, but really. Once I understood the syntax, I understood that picking up a new programming language would be easy because of my experience. I’ve grown, and not just in height. In hindsight, I regret all the time I wasted avoiding my mistakes when I could have solved them and resumed practice.

    I apply this method of thinking to my education and life, which helps me remain calm and focused while striving toward my goals. My experiences have given me insight, and I now move forward with the intention that perseverance and grit will ultimately help me achieve my goals. Coding has rescued me from my quitting mindset, allowing me to improve my confidence in producing results and trusting the process.




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