Successful Tip – Yueheng

Tip 1: Participate

This tip is significant to me because whenever I want to raise my hand and participate, my anxiety always prevents me from actually doing it. Even before I raise my hand I always question if my answer is correct or wrong. This has been a huge setback because it prevented me from participating in class. I will be using this tip in class by trying to participate more and not worry about anxiety. Since it never hurts to get my thoughts out rather than keeping it in my head and not figuring it out. Being able to participate in class or outside of school will have a huge impact on my life because I’m able to share my thoughts without having to worry about them and learn from them.

Tip 2: Try New Things

This tip is valuable because I am always afraid to try new things and like to stay within my comfort zone. Staying in my comfort prevents me from thinking outside of the box. Whenever I get stuck on a question and try all the methods that are given, I usually just give up rather than thinking of other ways that can solve this problem. I will be using this tip in class by thinking outside of the box and using it to help me in writing and studying. When I’m out of ideas on what to write I would go outside and take walks. Using this tip can help me perform better in class since I won’t be afraid to try new things and stay within my comfort zone. 

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