Single Story — Student Amadou

My Working Outline:

I.  INTRO — My two cultures:  African Muslim and American

II. Scene of being in Guinea with my grandma when I was 3

III. Moving back to NYC and being in American school

IV. First grade in Bronx school and scene of fight with Derrick

V. Standing up to Derrick: “the best story ever”

VI. Sharing my African culture with the school — Breaking the Single Story mold


In the second week of school, while in my favorite class, Gym, I was running and enjoying this activity. All of a sudden, Derrick, a popular, hip black American walked toward me, looking for trouble.

“You so-o-o ugly, you can never get a girl looking like that,” he yelled, smirking as other kids started to stare at us.

I angrily replied, “I can get your girl. You don’t know what you talking about!”

“Don’t make me laugh, clown. Can’t you see you just a AFRICAN BOOTY SCRATCHER!!!” Derrick retorted, laughing arrogantly with a few of my other classmates.

Without thinking I clenched my right fist and punched Derrick as hard as I could. The other kids started screaming and cheering while Derrick and I were throwing punches at each other. The teacher then rushed toward us to break up the fight.

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