Inroduction — Diana

My name is Diana Nunez and I was born in Bonao, Dominican Republic. I came to New York when I was around 3 or 4 years old. I have two Brothers who are 14 & 10 years older than me. Since living in New York I have only stayed in one neighborhood called Sunset park.When I am not in school or working I stay home to sleep, watch shows, or read. My favorite authors are Hermann Hesse, Emily Dickinson, George Orwell and Ursula K. Le Guin, with one of my favorite stories being ‘The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’. 

The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas - Wikipedia

One of my favortie stories

The town I am from

I used to do competitive gymnastics from when I was about 6 or 7 years old up until I damaged my kneecap in sophomore year, which led to me dropping out of the sport. This is my second semester at City Tech and I am currently majoring in Paralegal studies. I travel mostly between here and DR mostly but I once went to Ecuador to visit my uncles family and it was really fun. I speak spanish fluently, as well as english, but now am currently learning korean because one of my closest friends is korean and she offered to teach me and my final goal is to be able to have a full conversation with her parents. Because of this I have grown to like Kpop and Kdramas.

A fun fact is that I went to a private school and it was the most horrid school experience I have ever had.

10 thoughts on “Inroduction — Diana”

  1. Growing up I fall in the same boat as you because I’ve lived in the same neighborhood I hardly go out to be honest I mostly stay indoors and play video games and watch Netflix. Everything to me is better indoors because of the piece and quiet and the ability to do things whenever I want. I also went to private charter school it wasn’t it but I peaked in middle school and high school lol

  2. I feel for you on the private school experience because I went to a private school for 12 years, so from 1st grade to my senior year, and it was absolutely the worst experience I have ever had. The private school was not a diverse type of school and it was so bad that I can’t even talk about it, and when I graduated, not to be dramatic, I actually cried. It wasn’t tears of happiness because I was graduating. It was like actual tears of relief, that’s how bad it was. I’m glad we both got out. I think that it’s very cool that you are trying to speak Korean because I can’t even fully speak my own language that well like I can understand and speak it, but not fluently like you speak Spanish, and I can’t even think about speaking another language, so I find that very cool.

    1. Yea the whole private school thing is something I would never do again even if someone paid me to lol. The school I went to wasn’t diverse either and even though it may seem like it wasn’t a big deal, something like that can easily make a person feel left out. I’m also glad you made it out lol and now get to enjoy your college years!

    1. Omg of course!! My personal favorite writing of hers is “Because I could not stop for Death” It’s a lyrical poem of hers and I really like it because when I first read it, it left me thinking a lot about life and death and how we really don’t know what happens in life or the after life, and what I find really cool about the piece is that no ones really knows whether if this poem was completed or abandoned because it was released after she passed.

  3.  It’s interesting to hear that you did gymnastics. It sucks that one bad accident can leave you out of the sport. Do you think you would have gone pro if not for the injury? It’s cool to hear you want to major in paralegal studies. I used to watch a show called Suits  so I have some idea of what a paralegal does. Is law something you were passionate about? 

    1. I honestly don’t know if that would have happened because as I was getting older it was getting more stressful so I was contemplating to just continuing for fun and just go to practices. As for law I have always had some sort of interest in it but I never wanted to be a Lawyer so instead I opted for being a paralegal because I really like the research aspect of it.

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