Rhetorical Analysis and Quotables – Ethan

The article ‘Schools are killing curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn. Wendy Berliner wrote an educational article that informs readers that it is important to encourage kids to ask questions and be curious rather than shutting them down and forcing them to be quiet. Wendy Berliner is a credible author because she is an expert on education and child development. She has has won awards for some of her writings. Wendy Berliner writing style is very informative, and the information she is teaching us is backed by plenty of evidence and research. Her tone is very persuasive, and her attitude is very confident in the way she writes because you can tell she put a lot of time and research into her writing, and you really tell she is an expert on children development and why it is important to encourage them to be curious. I would say Wendy Berliner Article uses ethos beacuse we know who she is and that she is an expert, and evidence she gives us from the benefits of keeping kids curious is from Matt Caldwell who is an expert in his field because he is teacher backs Wendy Berliner research with evidence from how he teaches his students. The intended audience Berliner is reaching is parents and educators. Berliner wants us to take away that instead of shutting children’s questions down we should be nurturing their curiosity and encourage them to ask more questions and be more creative. The Article is current meaning it was published in 2020 so it wasn’t that long ago and is still relevant.

“Often educational bureaucracies have shunted curiosity to the side”. (Pag 3, par 3)

“The questions they asked were aimed at improving their results, whereas the questions asked by more curious students were aimed at understanding a topic more deeply”. (Pag 3, Par 4)

“Children are born curious. The number of questions a toddler can ask can seem infinite”. (Pag 3, par 1)

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