RAB Proposal-Marc Jeune 

My research is why does the school education want us to become  worker’s but not a entrepreneur 

Monday through Friday student’s are forced to head to school and sit down, raise your hands before you speak, take exam’s and if the students fail it shows them that they are either not intelligent or will be in a failure in life. I was one of those student’s that thought if I failed a class or an exam I would be a failure and there’s no going back to that.  For most studen’s school felt like a secondary place of jail but lest restricted. At age 17 I got to understand the system of the school education. The reason why I wanted to understand the school system is because I never felt free knowing that I was getting forced information that I didn’t want to know about. I knew it was a waste of time, I asked myself why do they want us to learn certain things that we don’t need in life?  How did this system started?  Why do they want us to become worker’s?  

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