Writing Task Saved- Brianna L.

When Covid-19 occurred as the percentages of people getting sick & dying started rising, it had a heavy impact on my educational journey. At first it was a moment of excitement, not for me but for many just because there wasn’t any school for a long time. That’s until eventually it started to affect my mental health & me being able to focus in my online classes. Online classes had to be the worst in my type of atmosphere since I was always falling asleep during class from laying in my bed all day. The consequences I had from lacking in classwork & homework was not being able to comprehend anything that was going on which led to me having bad grades for all of my semesters. When I was at school before Covid, things were definitely different in terms of communication with other peers as well. 

As Covid went on and we were already on the new school year, the percentages of people dying & getting sick started decreasing. Schools started opening but it was still optional on whether you wanted to go to school in person or stay online. Going to school in person is what really helped me a lot in terms of my educational journey because I was capable of asking questions to my teachers & getting tutored in person where I’m able to concentrate more. I was really happy because I was able to speak to my friends again and hang out with them as much as I used to when Covid wasn’t a thing. It appeared that my grades started getting better & my mental health as well because I wasn’t so in my mind as much as I was when I was at home doing nothing but sleeping and online school work all day. Not only did I go back to school but I also joined a basketball team for one season just to have a hobby and something to do to keep me active. One thing I’ll say is that I am really thankful that I’m still healthy as well as my family & my years of covid finally ended on a good note. 

5 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved- Brianna L.”

  1. I relate to your story as studying at home due to COVID-19 affects me mentally as well. It was fun at first and I would have my friends on Discord so it was like I was attending class with them. But then I started to feel a huge lack of motivation due to having to same routine. I found it hard to focus in class and my grades were starting to suffer. I would try to break the routine by changing my routine by going on walks and working out. But going back to school brought me back

  2. COVID-19 had a negative impact on a lot of people, myself included, because of the lack of social interaction. It messed up people’s mental health and affected students’ lives because of all those online classes nobody was taking seriously. I cannot imagine if we still had online classes while we were all applying for college, because then it would have been hell. I am glad that when COVID started becoming a little bit calmer, you had the chance to go back to school, improve your educational journey, and get your grades up, and that, against all odds, it saved you. We humans need human connection to survive, and if we do not have that, we slowly might start to fall into a depressive state. Not only did coming back to school save you physically, but it also saved you mentally, and I bet it did the same for other people, me included.

  3. Wow, your story really hit close to home I can relate to the feeling of feeling down during the pandemic and the consequences of not paying attention in class because of online school. I also decided to go back to school in person which helped me a lot. The only difference between you and me is that I didn’t resume my hobbies like cheerleading after the pandemic cooled down, Im so glad you found your passion

  4. OK good material here for a story!

    What could be the focus of this story, the MI main idea? Could this be a story of showing how return to school SAVED you?

    What events could help you move this story forward? Make an outline of events or moments from your memory that make this into a story.

    Could you develop a scene that shows you languishing in bed instead of sitting at the computer zoom class?

    A scene of being back at school and life sparking inside you and your friends?

    Can you show me how basketball team helped you get back to your old self?

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