What Saved Me-Marc Jeune

Something that saved me and that I feel made me better was getting accepted to a program called STEAM Center it was a high school that accepted certain schools that had a partnership with some schools in Brooklyn the program was mostly for juniors and seniors, the high school program was similar to a specialized high school there was a different pathways that could help you out in real life situations, for instance there was pathways as in D&E, Constructions, Film&media and etc. For me I was in, a pathway called (D&E) which was Design and engineering, I learned a lot from this class, especially from STEAM in general. In this pathway, it was a mix of learning how to think and be an architect and an engineer. The work was to make you be in a headspace as an architect and engineer and how to be in the work environment. 

Before I got into the program I was in the STEAM, I was part of I program that my parent put me In guess you could call it a program but I wouldn’t call one because you had to pay for it, the program was called Kumon I hated it so much that there would be days that I would skip it and hang around with friends, I understand why my parent put me in there but it was not my place I felt trapped. I had been lost seeking for programs that could help me on helping out in a career that I have been interested in since I was young so I could get a feeling on how it would be like but also fun. But thankfully my home school which was Prospect Heights had a partnership with STEAM Center, I would never thought I would have an opportunity to be able to get enrolled in a program that had wonderful information about certain carers and a great team on how to reach your higher oppernity, It felt good knowing that I didn’t drop Kumon for nothing.

During my junior and senior year I learned certain things that I wouldn’t get taught in a regular educational school system for instants I learned how to create a well written resume that helped me gotten into in certain internships that had gotten to create great connections. For example during the summer I was working for PRATT designing and creating ways on bettering the community on how students on the PRATT campus could find ways to better their mental when dealing with stress on finals and such more. But while I was in the STEAM program it showed so much then just school work it showed me on murching as a person and how that outside of highschool, your by yourself their will be times that your going to do things on your on half of the times and you got to make wise choices are else people will take advantage over you. 

In the STEAM program there would be workshops that talk about financial systems and why it’s important. This made me more wise on how I should view my finicals, before I graduated the program I received a couple of certifications as in Rhino which is a 3D software program to create any prototype models and also a certificate that I know how to use an heavy machinery equipment. I personally think that this is how all educational systems should be so that way when they graduate they could challenge themselves on getting a higher degree or more which is what I’m doing.   

1 thought on “What Saved Me-Marc Jeune”

  1. OK — Good raw material here — I see you have something that saved you: the Steam Center or program. NOW SHOW ME a STORY of how you were lost before this program. Make an outline of events that would move your story forward.

    1. Intro: Being in Kumon and skipping classes and feeling “whatt’s this for?” Were you a poor student or un-caring student at this time? What event would SHOW this?
    2. Joining STEAM Center at Prospect High School: Think back into your memory for a scene of you enjoying and learning something useful here. Could you turn this into a scene?: during the summer I was working for PRATT designing and creating ways on bettering the community on how students on the PRATT campus could find ways to better their mental when dealing with stress on finals and such more. — Where? at Pratt Campus? Describe the Pratt campus or your classroom. Describe yourself at the computer tables with friends/peers/coaches. SHOW me the struggles and triumph of solving the Pratt Mental Health problem.
    3. ANOTHER scene of WHEN you knew you wanted to be an architect! Was this during project where you learned RHINO? WHAT project?
    4. SHOW me a scene of going to financial workshop and you learning that going to college was possible (IDK, but you do! so reach back into your memory and SHOW me a set of events that become a STORY of you being tranformed from lost high schol student to finding your passion for architecture at Steam)
    5. Graduation from Steam: SHOW me that day receiving the certifcates. SHOW me a triumphant hopeful-you.

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