Success Tips — Michael Morales

Tip 1: “Get to know your professors.” This tip speaks to me personally because I had an architecture professor who I got close with and he was able to easily give me design tips because he knew my style. I feel like when getting to know your professors you would want to do better to not let them down. Also in turn your professor will have a better understanding of your writing technique. You also won't be as afraid when it comes to asking questions. Knowing your professor will allow them to easily give you tips and advice because they know you better. 

Tip 2 :  “Understand the deadline.” Understanding the deadline will allow you to plan ahead of time. Also when you feel that you can't make that deadline it is better to let the professor know ahead of time. Starting an assignment as soon as possible will give time to tweak and fix your assignment. Doing an assignment close to the deadline will not give you any opportunity to make last minute adjustments. Having a good work ethic is key when keeping up with the assignment.

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