
my name is Kayla Griffiths and I am an Jamaican-American I was born in prince Georges county in the state of Maryland but after a few months my mother to me to Jamaica to live with my grand parents for about the first five years of my life. when I came back to America I lived in the Bronx with my mom and dad. when i first started attending school in the Bronx I was made fun off because of my thick saint Elizbeth accent and because of this I tried as hard as I could to speak “correctly”. even though as a little girl I as satisfied with loosing my accent as I grew older I started to wish I could’ve least code switch back to my old accent like some of my Jamaican-American peers. after I lost my accent my family member’s have poked fun at the fact that couldn’t code switch to patois(the vernacular English spoken in Jamaica) and called me a white woman because of it, but instead of accepting defeat and giving up on my Jamaican identity I forged a new one that would fit my unique Jamaican American identity

My favorite foods are curry goat with white rice and stew peas. My favorite activities are playing video games, listening to podcasts and watching video essays and anime in my spare time . In my early teens while playing video games I failed to make female friends that played video games at all but as time progressed and playing video games became more mainstream I found it easier to find female players that enjoy the same things I do.

2 thoughts on “introduction-Kayla”

  1. Hello Keyla, nice to meet you. What games do you play? I wanna get a little more into games but I do not know what to play, I’ve only play call of duty mobile, Rocket League and Forza Horizon but that is it so far. Also are you watching any anime this season if you do probably Saturday’s are busy for you like me lol. Do you have any anime recommendations?

  2. Nice story about living in TWO different worlds and how accents can make people judge. I love your use of “code-switch” as a term.

    Women in gaming — that’s an interesting topic!

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