
My name is Arturo I’m a Mexican American born in New York City. I’ve lived in East Harlem my whole life and I love it, I know a lot of people there and they’ve been real close friends. I like to play Basketball, Soccer, and sometimes Football. I went to Food And Finance High School which is a High School in West Manhattan, I met so many new friends at my time there who now go to City Tech as well.
Another thing I’d like people to know about me is I love going to visit my family over in Mexico. I just recently went this past week and had the time of my life! I haven’t visited in 10 years, my family almost didn’t recognize me because I haven’t been in so long. I enjoyed my short week there I caught up with all my cousins and family, we had so much fun even if it was just for a week. They even threw me a surprise birthday party for my last day there. For context this was the last time I went to visit Mexico.

This was 10 years ago. This is a recent picture of my trip to Mexico from last week.

1 thought on “Introduction—Arturo”

  1. Mexico seems like a very cool place. How did it feel to see your family who you haven’t visit in 10 years? What’s your favorite sport to play out of basketball, soccer, and football? What part of Mexico are you from?

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