RAB Proposal Paragraph – Alexis Rodriguez

The topic that interest me the most is “Will the United States go to war with China if China attacks/Invades Taiwan. Basically China recognizes Taiwan as one of it’s own however, western countries see Taiwan as an independent nation. China backlashes those who think Taiwan is independent. That is a basic summery. It interest me personally because I know that if there is an escalation to China invading Taiwan, it will be similar to Russia and Ukraine but significantly worse. I know that Taiwan produces and exports 80%+ of semi conductors (chips). Which means your phone, computer, tv, and most electronic devices you own has chips that were most likely produced from Taiwan. China and the United States tensions risen significantly with the Biden administration saying it will come to Taiwan’s aid if it is attacked by China. Which means the United States, NATO, and other countries will go to war with China if they attacked Taiwan. This war will of course affect myself and those around me as I live in the united states AND I want to work in the S.T.E.M field. Not only can there be chip shortages which is disastrous for the tech industry but also for consumer goods. I want to find out how this will affect the world economy, if chips will still be sent out to the united states during the war, which countries will be on which side and how can the war play out or if it will happen sooner than we think.



6 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Alexis Rodriguez”

  1. YOu need a clearly stated Research Question not just “Taiwan’s sovereignty.” Please work on turning your topic into a refined RQ. Look at the video I posted on how to narrow down your research question. It’s in Announcements.

  2. How do tensions btw China and Taiwan effect the semi-conductor chip industry globally? how will UN find alternate sources?

    How do tensions btw China and Taiwan negatively effect America?

    Will the USA really go to war if China invades Taiwan?

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