Assignment 1 (Part D) Print Ad Headline Exercise  

Objective: The Headline Writing Exercise aims to develop copywriting skills in creating effective and attention-grabbing headlines for various types of content. Students will explore five different headline types and generate five headlines for each, for a total of ten headlines. Additionally, students are encouraged to find images from the internet that complement their headlines and create a harmonious connection between the text and visuals.

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Selecting Headline Types: Students are required to choose five headline types from a list provided in the assignment guidelines. Common headline types may include:
    • 1) Metaphor
    • 2) Personification
    • 3)Hyperbole
    • 4)Irony
    • 5)Paradox
    • 6)Parallelism
    • 7) Anesis
  2. Generating Headlines: For each of the five selected headline types, students must create one headline. The headlines should be catchy, concise, and directly related to the chosen type. Emphasize the importance of engaging and intriguing the reader.
  3. Image Selection: Students are encouraged to search for images on the internet that complement their headlines. These images should be freely available for educational or non-commercial use. Images can be sourced from platforms like Unsplash, Pexels, or other free image websites.
  4. Creating Synergy: Students should strive to create a strong connection between the headlines and the chosen images. The image should support or enhance the message of the headline, creating a harmonious and engaging visual-text relationship.
  5. Submission: The final assignment should include: a. A document with the ten headlines (five types x five headlines). b. A separate document or presentation where students can juxtapose the headlines and corresponding images to demonstrate the synergy between the visual and textual elements.

Link to the template that can be used >

Grading Criteria: Students will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Creativity and originality of the headlines.
  2. Alignment of the headlines with their respective types.
  3. Relevance and appropriateness of the chosen images.
  4. The synergy between the headlines and images.
  5. Overall presentation, organization, and clarity of the assignment.

Submission: Submit a link to Google doc in comments

Due: Thursday 2/29


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