Assignment 1 Part B: Print Ad Refrences

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to develop your ability to gather relevant visual references and inspiration for creating a print ad for a selected product. You will explore various sources to compile a collection of images, designs, and examples that will inform your creative process.

Step 1: Product Selection Choose a specific product for which you will be creating a print ad. This product could be real or fictional, but it should be something you are interested in and enthusiastic about.

Step 2: Research and Context Before gathering references, conduct preliminary research on the selected product. Understand its features, benefits, target audience, and any unique selling points. This knowledge will guide your reference search.

Step 3: Reference Sources Identify and utilize a variety of sources to gather visual references. These sources may include:

  1. Online Image Search Engines: Use search engines like Google Images to find images related to your product, its usage, or similar products.
  2. Magazines and Print Media: Browse through magazines, newspapers, and print advertisements to find examples of print ads that resonate with your product or target audience.
  3. Online Portfolios: Explore online portfolios of graphic designers and advertising agencies. Websites like Behance and Dribbble showcase various design projects.
  4. Social Media: Search platforms like Instagram and Pinterest for visual inspiration. These platforms often feature creative design work.
  5. Competitor Ads: Analyze print ads of competitors or similar products to understand industry trends and design conventions.
  6. Historical Advertisements: Look for vintage or historical advertisements that may provide a unique perspective or style.

Step 4: Compile References As you gather references, compile them into a well-organized document or digital folder. Ensure that you include proper citations or sources for each reference.

Step 5: Analyze and Reflect After collecting your references, take some time to analyze them. Consider what elements, themes, or design approaches stand out to you. Reflect on how these references can inform your own print ad design.

Step 6: Create a Mood Board (Optional) If desired, create a mood board using the gathered references. A mood board can visually represent the overall aesthetic, color schemes, and style you want to achieve in your print ad.

Step 7: Submission Submit your collection of gathered references along with any optional mood board you’ve created. Ensure that your submission is well-organized and clearly labeled.

Evaluation Criteria: Your assignment will be evaluated based on the diversity and relevance of your references, your ability to analyze and draw insights from the gathered materials, and the overall organization of your submission.

Submission: Submit your compiled references and any optional mood board by the specified deadline (2/15) via open lab submission below

This assignment will enhance your skills in research, visual analysis, and the ability to draw inspiration from various sources. It will also prepare you for the creative process of designing a print ad by providing a foundation of visual references and ideas to work from.


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