Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Unit 3 Proposal

Write a proposal of at least 200 words outlining what you plan to do for Unit 3. This proposal should tell us: 

  • A 1-2 sentence statement of what you want to teach your audience
  • The audience you are trying to reach
  • The genre you are planning to write in and why you chose it
  • A plan — how do you intend to get started?
  • Anything you might be worried about.  What are your concerns about finishing this project?


  1. Megan

    I would like to teach my audience that there are two sides to every story. Not everything you see or hear is the truth. The audience i am trying to reach are probably women in their 20-30s to show them that you dont have to feel what everybody else is telling you to. The genre i am choosing to write in is a bit undecided. I want to pick the correct one that gives the most information. I intend on just starting. I know how i feel about this topic. I know what side of the fence i stand on. Im most worried about not having enough information that supports what i feel. Everything i found is very one sided and i found it difficult to find anything on my initial thoughts

  2. Liubov N

    I’ m leaning towards poem or children book as transformation of my research. My tone will be humored and light, because when you hear a joke the important information reaches you much faster.

    My audience is active adults, from age 18 till 65. My plan is to include all key note from my research into a poem, will probably do a couple repeated paragraphs, that may stack in the head.

    The thing that is worrying me is that im not a poet, and not sure if I can rhyme about recycling very well. But I think it can be fun.

  3. Sam Bazarov

    Im still not sure on what genre I would do. But I was thinking maybe I should do the kids story book. Like to read a story about my topic which is about Palestine. And teach my audience everything about it and how it started. I think our class would be enough audience for me. I’m worried about for the story book I don’t think I will have enough information with all the details.

  4. asarii<3

    after I do my podcast for unit 3 I would like edu audience to come to a decision on weather money brings happiness or not. I want to reach more of a teen and adult audience. I chose a podcast to do because I think I would be a lot more entertaining to my targeted audience. I plan on finding people to put on the podcast first and asking sure they agree to doing it.

  5. J. Carlos

    America is the dream of millions of people, and the increasing number of immigrants over time has led to many issues. However, what would become of the U.S. without immigrants? Who deserves to live the American Dream?

    I chose a poem as the way to transform my reflective annotated bibliography into a different genre. My audience in this case is my class, and I would like to inform my classmates about something rather than teach them something—eventually they will come to their own conclusions. I will provide facts, express thoughts, and convey feelings, and one genre that allows me to do so is poetry. Immigration is a touching matter, and most of my audience must have a view on it. As I proved in my bibliography, the U.S. is a country of immigrants, and I want my audience to reconsider and think about whether immigration is an issue or a benefit once they have read or listened to the poem.

    Throughout the process of writing the poem, I will compile the primary points in Unit 2 and then brainstorm all the main ideas in order to put down on paper the most adequate aspects. There’s something I am concerned about: I rarely write poetry, so I cannot say I am a skilled poet. Conveying my perspective through a poem is worth it, although changing from one genre to another will likely be a challenging—and luckily not difficult—task.

  6. josephjin

    I would like to inform my audience of my opinion on the matter and have them ponder on the matter at hand. Those of whom I am trying to reach are not only those with contrary opinions, but those too with the same mindset to further reinforce that sentiment. Overall I should focus on younger audiences since according to surveys their opinions tend to differ. For my genre I will do a YouTube video since it’s something I recently became familiar with. I plan to dissect my work and have bullet points on bounce off of while I freelance my speaking. I worry that it won’t perfectly come out the way I want it hence I speak way differently then how I write.

  7. andrew2005

    My goal is to teach my audience about the issue going on in Palestine/Israel right now. Give a little background information as to how the war started, what has happened over the years, has there been any efforts to stop the issue, who else is involved and many more.

  8. Tyrell

    What I want to teach my audience is about the dangers social media can have in our lives especially when in adolescence. Adolescents are especially susceptible to the effects of social media because it is now a part of our daily lives and they are in a vulnerable time in their life where they are growing up and starting to choose the path they want to take in their lives. The audience I am trying to reach is parents/guardians of adolescents who need to be informed of the dangers of social media because they often do not know what their children are seeing when they are online. The genre I’m planning to write is a Listicle. I chose a listicle because it puts complicated information in an easy way for others to see and retain. When people see long articles, they are less likely to want to keep reading and will get bored easily. However, a listicle gets straight to the point and is easy to read with no hidden meaning and phrases in it. How I plan to get started is to break the most important points in my annotated bibliography into smaller and easily understandable points to interest the reader. I am worried I may not find enough information to share from what I have in my annotative bibliography or may overshare information that is not important to the listicle.

  9. Adil

    What I want to teach my audience is how political corruption is everywhere in America. I want to teach them the dangers of influence buying. Political corruption is a very scary thing in America. Billionaires are spending huge amounts of cash on campaigns. They use their cash and power to make these lawmakers work for them on laws that could extend their power and wealth. They make these lawmakers leave their views because of the money. I think making a podcast is a great way to share my thoughts and data on this issue. It keeps my audience engaged and it’s a great way to talk about issues.

  10. Lichen Wu Wu

    I want to teach my audience about what harms the project I’m presenting does to our environment and how they are able to prevent this. The audience I’m trying to reach is basically anyone who cares about their world and the area they are surrounded by. I’m guessing between doing a poem or a story but I’m mostly leaning into doing a story. I want to write it out instead of saying it out loud because it helps me keep my flow going while writing what I want. This also helps me imagine, it’s a better way for be to be organized, get my thoughts out and have a visual. I intend on starting by laying out the backstory, like an introduction, get into the plot, and then the conclusion. Some concerns about making this project is not being able to reach my audiences’ expectation and make them be able to see what I’m writing.

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