Faculty Name | Section | Semester


The individuals who composed and signed The Declaration of Independence were willing to lose everything and be tried as traitors to their country. With the idea of fighting for your beliefs and values in mind, consider issues that affect you. What are some social justice issues (local or global) that you feel strongly about and might inspire you to act? Are there any incidents or chapters in US history that you think are not as visible as they should be, and that you think are important for people to learn about? Are there contemporary incidents that you think should be included in historical accounts of our era so people in the future can learn from them?


  1. Ali Simmons

    I think Christopher Columbus and the whole thing of American being “Found” should be more visible. The reason for this is because a lot of people are still blind to his actions. They are blind to the way he treated the natives of this land. A lot of people still think he is a good person. I think Covid should be put in our history so the future era can know how to avoid something that dangerous.

  2. andrew2005

    So the issue between Israel/Palestine is what I’m focusing on for the unit 2 assignment. This is a conflict that I feel strong about because there’s a lot of information that is being held back and twisted. I also feel like a lot of people aren’t educated enough when it comes to this conflict. I can’t really name a specific event, but there are many chapters in the US that are not as visible as they should be.

  3. Liubov N

    I think that US government is denying to look at how ridiculous medical systems is. Healthcare system should be accessible to all people.

  4. Juni

    I think the issue I feel strongest about at the moment is the right to rampant monetization of the things we need to live like food, water, housing, and air. No one on earth should be homeless or malnourished, we have all the infrastructure to take care of everyone but capitalism functions under the threat of death so it needs a constant reminder of suffering to serve as a threat to those who question why the only way to survive is by selling your labour. We aren’t taught much about the history of the post Industrial Revolution, pre New Deal class struggle and the union boom but we should be. The workers who came before us fought and died for the union jobs that allowed them the ability to live comfortably regardless of how valuable their employment is deemed by common thought, and as labour relations strain in the current day with inflation and a stagnant minimum wage we have to keep that kind of thing in mind

  5. Nadeen

    Incidents that aren’t very visible, but should be are sex trafficking and rape. This should become more visible because nobody is doing anything to prevent this. When it happens, people talk about it on the news or on social media, then forget all about it, as if it’s nothing new. Sometimes it wouldn’t even become known to the point where media can’t learn about it, as if it’s now normalized. Definitely something that people should learn about. This also goes for an incident that should be included in historical accounts, so people can learn about it current and future wise.

  6. asarii<3

    i feel strongly about health care. and the fact that we have to pay for it. like if your sick and u go to the hospital you have to pay for it. you have to pay if your hurt and so much money for a ambulance. for example when i hurt my ankle i went ti the doctor and they told me to go to the emergency room and they can’t do anything abt it here . and when i went ti the emergency room i was there for so long in pain hopping around waiting for help. and all they did was give me crutches and that’s it. and i had tp pay for that service.

  7. josephjin

    I don’t feel too strongly about social justice issues. Some reasons being are mainly because they don’t pertain to me specifically, or I feel as though aren’t exactly conducted in a way I would fully support. It’s probably not the majority, but the ugly sticks out like a sore thumb. An issue such as climate change is one prime example. Not that I’ve seen personally, but social media videos of certain climate change activist really tarnish the reputation as a whole. Performing acts such as blocking roads and destroying priceless property circulate in mass. Yeah, our environment getting destroyed is a bad thing, but I look at it as it’s not something I myself can stop, nor could I really care. Not only is it probably not going to affect me in my lifetime, but it’s almost impossible to get through to an ignorant audience.

  8. J. Carlos

    A global issue that I feel strongly about and afflicts me is inequality. And rather than the issue in itself, what worries me the most is the fact that inequality is inherent to the system. For instance, the US is one of those contemporary “despots” for the Third World Countries—it is my country of I love it, but let’s be honest and objective—and ironically, we’ve become what we’re supposed to hate, despots; we’ve raiding resources from the ones in need, during the cruelest wars. The reality is tough and American industries are cashing in on others’ disgrace and making their deplorable situations even worse.

    A historical event that is not as visible as it should be is the Mexican War, we basically killed Mexican people who were fighting for their territory. And what did we do? Got rid of them and annihilated them, taking away almost half of the Mexican territory back then.

    I think there’re plenty of current incidents that should be catalogued as historical, but due to their recurrence, they won’t receive an appropriate historical relevance. 

  9. Nattali Calle

    I think that immigration topic should be talked about more as there are immigrants coming into this country and getting lost or killed and nothing is being spoken about in the news . 100 of kids were lost coming into this country and nobody is talking about it like if it doesn’t matter to them but talk about all of these famous artists life’s as if that’s more important

  10. Megan

    I think a huge problem in this country is freedom of speech. To me its our right but nowadays it does not feel that way. Sometimes its better to just not speak at all because its so easy to offend someone or get cancelled

  11. Tyrell

    An issue that I have to deal with today is healthcare issues. I believe healthcare issues are not brought up enough and should be solved. Healthcare should be free or at least affordable. Nowadays you will see people hopping out of ambulances or refusing to take them when they are clearly injured or need help. They have to do this. After all, they may be put in generation dept because they can not afford the cost of them.

  12. Adil

    Issues that I feel like people need to learn about and that I want to fight about are the Palestine and Israel conflict and the way that America has treated their people because of capitalism. Palestinians have been treated horribly for over 75 years and are part of a genocide that is happening as we speak. Capitalism has ruined our way of life for us because of how many people are living paycheck and still not affording anything because America is worried more about making money than helping people having affordable housing and lives.

  13. Yenny Jimenez

    Global warming

    The world had being affected continuously by human actions throughout many years. Global warming is something really bad for the planet but also for us “humans.” Approximately in 4 year the planet earth will be increase the limit of temperature of 1,5 grados Celsius. I’m sure that everyone know how bad it’s for us and the planet but we are still doing things that will change the direction of our life and the future.

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