Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Coming of Age Trailers

Think of your own education narrative as a trailer for a coming of age film. What is the tone? What scenes would be featured? Who are the characters involved?

Once you have those questions thought through, write the trailer to your education narrative!


  1. Ali Simmons

    The tone is of my trailer would be confusing. The scenes featured will be me getting ask what do I want to do. Then me asking my grandma what I should do. Another scene would be me trying different things. Then I would get a speech from a friend that the only person who knows what I want to do is me. The characters will be my grandmother, my uncles, and my friends.

  2. Megan

    The tone of my trailer would probably be dark. Me realizing that everything around us is almost setting us up to fail in life. Im the main character with a school full of students and teachers in the background. The scene i would feature would be me in the halls looking at everybody with sadness knowing they are locked into this “institution” and mea realizing something needs to change

  3. Mallen12

    If I wrote my education narrative like a coming to age story the tone would be very chill and full hardship challenges growing in the foster care services. It would be the challenges I went through experiences.

  4. Nadeen

    The tone of my trailer would be mysterious. The scenes that would be featured are me and my personality while being home, and the other scenes would be me and my personality while being out in public, which could make me mysterious due to the fact nobody really knows how I act. The characters involved could be the people I associate my life with 24/7, that way it could be more realistic and relatable.

  5. asarii<3

    if my education narrative was a trailer, the tone would change throughout the story. It would start off calm and happy, the peek of happiness in the story. eventually it would go into anger. A lot of arguing and tears. toward the end to would go back to a calm and peaceful tone. nice my tory is about a relationship, the scenes I would feature would be the happy exciting moments first, then it would drift to the downfall of the relationship, where all of the drama and true colors come out. then I would show the result of the whole thing. the characters involved would be me, my close friends and the person I was in the relationship with.

  6. Lichen Wu Wu

    The tone in the trailer is going to be a combination of seriousness and happiness. The scenes that are going to be featured is me being down due to an issue I dug myself in. The other scene would be me with my friends laughing and hanging out after they have helped me regain myself. The characters involved here are my classmates and friends.

  7. Sam Bazarov

    During the third period me and my two other friends were slowly walking towards the exit straits in empty hallways ( scary music

  8. Juan Trujillo

    My education narrative writing tells the story of the trip that I learned the most from. The tone is — to some extent — monotonous, although it will have some tone “pivots”. Based on casual conversations between me and my grandfather (a person who I really look up to and one of the most intelligent men I have ever gotten to know) the story gets deeper, built upon memories and teachings. Despite the degree of simplicity and casualty, the situations and characters featured in them make every single paragraph meaningful and transcendental (since the places and people involved are important to me). A comparison between youth and old age will be held, and also a debate of how ironic life could be.

  9. J. Carlos

    My educational narrative writing tells the story of the trip that I learned the most from. The tone is — to some extent — monotonous, although it will have some tone “pivots”. Based on casual conversations between me and my grandfather (a person who I really look up to and one of the most intelligent men I have ever gotten to know), the story gets deeper, built upon memories and teachings. Despite the degree of simplicity and casualty, the situations and characters featured in them make every single paragraph meaningful and transcendental (since the places and people involved are important to me). A comparison between youth and old age will be held, and also a debate about how ironic life could be.

  10. josephjin

    For my trailer I would choose monotone tone featuring indecisiveness. Scenes that I would possibly feature the exploit of said indecisiveness and how it not only be a boon, but a flaw, and the consequences that follow suit. It would involve characters that warn and foreshadow the repercussions of the main characters actions and characters that are effected by these actions leaving permanent scar on the main character to entice development.

  11. Liubov N

    Picture a high-speed train rushing through scenic mountains, lush meadows, and winding rivers. The entire scene is brightened by the warm glow of the sun, evoking the freedom of summer as a teenager. The trailer will showcase various shots from the train cabin, highlighting the friendly banter, laughter, and heartfelt embraces shared among friends. 

    One girl, in particular, will be followed by the camera, revealing her various emotions such as smiles, disappointment, and uncertainty. Upon deeper inspection, it becomes apparent that the main character’s seemingly happy exterior masks her own insecurities and self-deception. 

    With a tone that is both uplifting and fast-paced, the trailer is also dramatic at certain points. The story is teased through snippets of mindless fun, downhearted occasions, and introspective self-discovery. The trailer features the girl as the main character, along with her friends as supporting roles. Music will be incorporated as a secondary character throughout the trailer.

  12. Tyrell

    In my educational narrative, I learned to take school more seriously. For my trailer, the tone would be an encouraging tone to inspire people to want to do better. The scenes in my trailer would start off when I was taking education seriously in 9th grade sitting in class and doing well and my parents were proud of my work. Next, when COVID-19 first hit at first when everyone wasn’t taking it seriously. I saw video warnings all over YouTube but didn’t take them seriously because it was in English. Then when the world was in lockdown and everyone was trying to stay safe in their homes. After classes finally started I would be me at home all day playing games instead of listening to my class. Along with who I met during quarantine and how I almost failed badly. Next, my mom would compare me to all my friends trying to motivate me to do better.  Lastly, I had a realization to be better in school. It would end there. The scenes in my trailer would show how Iost motivated in school after COVID-19 plagued the world. Then had a realization to do better in classes in high school before it was too late. The characters involved in the trailer would be my classmates, friends, online friends I made during quarantine, and my family. I would also use different types of music to help set the tone and mood for the scenes of my trailer.  I would also leave the people watching the trailer hanging and not show full scenes to add suspense.

  13. andrew2005

    The tone would be very chill. The scenes would be my entire day within school and out of school. The characters would be me and people that shaped my view on education.

  14. Adil

    The tone would be of difficulty and perseverance. I had to change the way I was being learned and having a father to teach me would instill in my trailer how things can change and how family can play an important role in both tones of difficulty and perseverance.

  15. Yenny Jimenez

    The tone of my trailer would casual at the beginning of the story and at the end would be challenging. The sense featured would my 3: My experience in middle school and high school and when I arrive to the United States. The main characters in my trailer would be my family, me and people from these three different places.

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