Faculty Name | Section | Semester


In both readings for today, the authors had to find teachers outside of the traditionally expected places. Frederick Douglass “converts” the poor white boys in town into teachers, while Malcolm X, in his “homemade education” turns the authors of books — and the books themselves — into his teachers.

Outside of school, who are your teachers? Where have you found them? How did you find them? And how have they helped you learn?


  1. Chrystian Castro

    Outside of school, my teachers are my parents and the technology that I have. The reason why I say that these are my teachers is because I have learned a lot of valuable things from them that are very applicable to the things that I want to do in the future and how to take care of myself in that future. For instance, my parents have taught me the values of living by myself by teaching me how to take care of myself. They have taught me how to cook for myself, what medicine to take for when I am feeling ill, and many other more things. My computer on the other hand is one of the ways that I educate myself in anything that I am interested in. For example, I have founded out that I am interested in computer manufacturing, and I wanted to partake in that career in the future. My teachers have helped me learn because they have given me the path of what I wanted to do and what I wanted to become in my life.

  2. hilary

    besides school I think my teacher is really my siblings and social media. my siblings are my teachers because they already lived through life and things I’m going to encounter, for example taxes, college / education, how to drive, etc. They’re older than me so when they had to learn these things they had to go to different sources but I just got all my information from them. I also say social media because everyone live different lives they can portray a life they’re not really living and it comes to the life after, then it makes me realize don’t believe everything you see. Also how different lives result into different consequences. everything and everyone arounds are teachers, if a child sees you move from fire or heat they’ll probably learn that fire is harmful and they wont get close to it. Even when applying to my first job my brother helped and taught me tips on job applications.

  3. Nattali Calle

    Outside of school my teachers would be my mother and my supervisor. At work i am learning a lot of the real world and peoples life’s and how they manage around life . My mother has also helped me a lot in my singing as she helps me record my cover and is very honest whenever there’s somethings I need to fix . All together I would say that I received education from both school and outside for different perspectives in life .

  4. Jestine

    In addition to what is taught in school, I consider my mom, the internet, and my everyday interactions with people to be my teachers. These interactions, whether they are big or small, have taught me a lot. My mom has played a significant role in guiding me with her morals and principles since adolescence, and she continues to do so. Similarly, the internet is a powerful tool that provides access to valuable information on a wide range of topics. As long as it is used correctly, it can be considered a teacher, accessible from any device.

  5. Amber Pena

    Outside of school my teachers are my parents and my sisters. My parents have lived longer than me and know way more information about life in general. I always seem to run back to them when I need advice or knowledge . As well as my sisters, they’re older than me and have experienced similar situations so I can relate with them. I also see how they live their adult lives and I’m either inspired or learning what I don’t want.

  6. yousefa05

    My teachers outside of school would probably be google. Usually when I have a question about almost anything if I look long enough on google I could find the answer to any problem I have especially since their is basically a free education system any where you look online. Another teacher I have is my family. They all went through different experiences and have different lived during different times so they can educate me on how things used to be back then for them growing up and show me how they’ve adjusted to the changing times. All of these have helped me learn because I’m told what to avoid whether that’s a bad review online or a bad experience a family member has went through.

  7. Jason P

    Outside of school, my teachers are my friends and family. My friends I’ve met in elementary school and middle school. After middle school ended, I didn’t expanded my friend group, and my knowledge of the ways of the world came from them. Since I’ve decided to dive into the realm of the digital world, my friends and family has had to teach me about the Whats and Hows of the physical world, while I do the same for them but in the digital world instead.

  8. Akash Jungney

    I see my teachers as not only leaders of my classes, but a leader to my personal journey up in life. The way they have taught me from in class to outside on the sidewalk on what’s expected to come in the future or in their age. Since leaving elementary school, I’ve seen a bunch of my old teachers still working when I pass by my old elementary school every morning, where a “hello” or “good morning” turns to a talk about life, advice and expectations in the future. From learning about comprehension reading to learning job searching, taxes, paying bills, rent and so forth. Another way I’ve taught myself was the internet, where just a couple words typed on Google would show multiple ways of how to cook, maintaining a consistent schedule in sleeping and work and when to have breaks.

  9. Mia Donawa

    Outside of school, My brothers are my teachers.Everything I need to know about about my career path, about the streets, about friendships and even about romantic relationships, my brothers have always given me advice and I have learned so much about the real world because of them. Every day is a new learning experience of course but on top of that I feel like I know so much about being an adult and how life works and just how to move forward every day because of them.

  10. Jordon

    Outside of school, my teachers are my brothers, my dad, and my friends. I met my brothers and my dad at a very young age, before I could even remember things. They helped me learn about how to control my spending and determine what I should do in the future, like what path I should take. My dad advises me on how long I should stay outside for because it is going to affect other aspects of my life, like school and work. Meanwhile, my friends have instructed me on how to do legally nefarious things which I will not be getting in to today. But their advice has helped me save money and have more fun in life.

  11. Madison

    Outside of a school, someone that I hold dearly to my heart and is my life teacher is my grandma. My grandma is my life teacher because she’s an immigrant that came from Guyana and made a name for herself. My grandmother came to this country at 28 years old, she started working. Now, she owns her own house, has multiple cars, and goes on luxury vacations multiple times out of the year. Recently, before she retired in 2022 she was the general manager at the MOMA museum . My grandmother has taught me everything I know so far and she always encourage me to get an education.

  12. Julia


  13. Julia

    Outside of school, my teachers would be people like my bestfriend, my mom, and friends that I’ve been around for a while now. They’ve all taught me a lot of things here & there such as showing me my right from my wrong, learning how to become a better person, and just overall teaching me little things about not only myself but about life as well. Another teacher for me, would life itself, life has shown me many things throughout the years and even though these people that I have mentioned before taught me things to, but I would say life itself is one of my biggest teachers that I’ve ever learned from. Because as days goes on it shows me more & more things that I’ve never knew. 

  14. Fernanda

    My sister has been my teacher outside in the real word. She has played a major role as I continue to grow, not only has she inspired me to be better. But she’s always there to give me a hand. My sister has tough me beautiful things in life. Not only in an academic way but also in a personal way. She motivates me to keep myself on a good track in my education. She’s supportive in whatever things I set myself that I would accomplish.

  15. Justin

    Outside of school l feel like the teacher is myself, I self educated myself all throughout my day. Another teacher I feel like is the internet. The internet teaches you things you didn’t know happens it’s one of the big sources of information in our modern day world. The internet makes information accessible with just a button. You can find out about anything you was questioning or find out about anything that you wanted to learn. Teachers in the Bronx really didn’t educate student’s about anything but the regular academics since they thought they were only paid to go by a syllabus.

  16. Yaquelin Morales

    The ones who were our first-ever teachers were our parents, they were the first ones who taught us and helped shape the person we are now. They have had a major impact on our lives since we were little and even till now since they have more experience than us. We also have learned things on our own with the new technology that is created every year. We use technology either in a negative or positive way but it’s a way we connect to many others. In which they teach us what they know and we are also influenced online too.

  17. kadija

    One my mentors is my sister, Ive learned everything I know from her, she taught me all there is to known about black culture,New York city, and my vocabulary.When I was younger my sister would use such big words and I would mimic her and use them as well essentially she began teaching me even before I was aware there was anything to learn at all. When I was younger I perceived my sister as mean and harsh but as I got older I began to realized there’s a lot to take away from her and learn.

  18. abdou guidi

    Outside of school, I have found teachers in various places and through different experiences. One of my most influential teachers has been my older sibling. They have always been there to guide me, offer advice, and share their knowledge and experiences. They have helped me learn by providing a different perspective and challenging me to think critically about various topics.I have also found teachers in my community. Whether it be through volunteering or participating in extracurricular activities, I have encountered individuals who have shared their expertise and wisdom with me. For example, I joined a local community garden and learned from experienced gardeners about sustainable farming practices and the importance of environmental stewardship.Additionally, I have found teachers through mentorship programs and internships. These opportunities have allowed me to connect with professionals in my field of interest who have provided valuable guidance and insights. They have helped me learn by sharing their experiences, offering advice, and providing opportunities for hands-on learning.

    These teachers outside of school have helped me learn by offering different perspectives, sharing their expertise, and challenging me to think critically. They have provided guidance, support, and encouragement, pushing me to explore new ideas and expand my knowledge beyond the confines of the classroom. Their diverse backgrounds and experiences have enriched my learning journey and broadened my understanding of the world.

  19. Sydney burford

    Outside of schools I would consider my teacher to be my sisters because even though there are large age gaps between us they understands me and can relate to me more than anyone else, and I am always able to go to them for advice on anything.

  20. Trever Persaud

    Outside of school, my teachers are my parents, brother, and the internet. I would consider my parents and brother as my teachers because I have learned a lot of valuable things from them, and whenever I need help with anything, they teach me how to do it. I would consider the internet my teacher because whenever I’m having trouble with homework or confused about something I can easily search it up online and get the answer I’m looking for.

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