Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Beginning Reflection

As we move towards our final reflection and portfolio for this class, think about the following two questions, and spend ten minutes writing on them:

  1. What have you learned about yourself as a reader and writer this semester?
  2. How have you changed or developed as a reader and writer this semester?


  1. kadija

    This semester I learned that I tend to overlook details when it’s comes to reading and when I am writing I’m very vague and do not tie my writing together.However over the course of these last few weeks I was able to overcome that barrier and write highly descriptive pieces of writing.Unit One writing assignments helped me take my writing to the next level because it taught me how to uses concrete and specific details to create a picture for the reader,set a tone , and sentence structure for telling a story

  2. Chrystian Castro

    From this semester, I feel that I have learned how to get a deeper meaning of what the author is writing about. I feel that I can figure out the main argument or the main message that the author is trying to show their audience and figure out even more information based on that one question and find other things that could potentially be the meaning of the writing. From what I learned from being a writer putting a lot of detail within your writing piece is one of the most important things to make a captivating story. Having a sequential order is very important in writing to make sure that everything story-wise makes sense and could help deliver an important message to the audience. I changed as a reader and as a writer because when it comes down to reading I feel that I understand articles more since I am constantly looking for small details that could contribute to the story. I changed as a writer because before I used to do an essay just to submit a grade but now I feel that I am putting in a lot of detail in my writing and improving my skills when it comes to delivering a message.

  3. Amber Pena

    I learned I can’t doubt myself as I did in the beginning because when I have all the tools and prompts, I can write a perfect essay. I also learned my strong suit is using voice in my essays. I feel most confident writing when I can free-write and use my voice. I feel like I improved on adding information that makes sense instead of blabbering just to reach the word limit. I also think I improved on finding more sources and getting more research because it helps me a lot and makes it easier when writing compared to little or none research done.

  4. Madison

    This semester as a freshman in college, I learned about myself as a reader and writer that I can conceptualize passages and apply text to my life or something going on in this world. Personal connections are important because I can understand and encompass what I read or write. I noticed that my favorite type of writing assignment in this class would be the Unit 1 assignment. That assignment allowed me to explore my strengths in writing narratives. I believe I’ve changed as a writer throughout this semester because now I know how to read not just as a reader but also as a writer. I recognized why the author uses certain techniques and how they strength the text.

  5. yousefa05

    I learned as a reader to really understand the message the author is trying to convey and take more time trying to analyze it. Something I learned as a reader was that I need to start writing from the perspective of the reader and think about how they would interpret the message im trying to get across. One way I’ve changed was im slightly more open to reading than I was first starting this class and one way I’ve changed as a writer was I’ve tried to be more detailed in my writing

  6. Jordon

    I learned that I absolutely despise reading assignments for class. I learned that not writing notes is also a bad idea since most of the texts are very in-depth and are hard for me to remember. By annotating, I’ll understand the different points presented in the reading. As a writer, I have learned that I cannot clutch up on research assignments or papers, they are very in-depth assignments and I can’t just wing it when it comes to them. I generally have to be completely absorbed in my work to make it at least good enough to submit.

    I don’t think I have really changed as a reader or writer this semester. If anything, I got worse as a reader since I couldn’t focus much on the readings.

  7. Jason P

    This semester, it feels like I’ve done nothing notable. Most of my assignments, I just wrote down as the thoughts came along. There was no editing, reviewing, nor revisions. Once I’ve written what I think are my last words, I immediately download, upload, submit, and close the document, never wanting to touch it again. I don’t think I’ve grown as a reader and writer at all throughout the semester. I still write everything with the goal of hitting the word count, not making it structured well or have good flow. In terms of reading, I just skim everything with the hopes that what I have gathered from my skimming is 100% what the artical said. Trying to read for more details would just make me forget everything I’ve read a sentence ago, while also not wanting to note things I’ve read because I think it’s too much work.

  8. Jestine

    I learned that I can persistently and easily get readings or essays done. Even if sometimes I feel like my writing isn’t perfect or as strong as I would like it to be, there are always tools to support me. I also learned how to branch out into different genres and topics. ELA isn’t just the generic read this paper and respond to it; there are so many ways that you can research and put information into an assignment. I think I have changed in a better way as a writer. I developed a method that I feel is very beneficial to me and is key to getting these assignments done, not only getting them done but also attempting to get the best grade I can.

  9. Yaquelin Morales

    I learned about myself this semester as a writer is that I over underestimated myself since I think a task is to hard I give up really fast and just procrastinate a lot. But then when I do end up doing it, it isn’t as hard as i thought. Also I learned that when it comes to writing something i need to express myself more and elaborate in order to get my point across. As a reader I have learned that there is so much more than just the central idea of a passage, it goes more in debt on why the writer wrote it that why and how does it make a difference to the passage. Just the little details that people overlook since we read a passage just to find what is the overall point. Therefore I have changed as writer and reader because I know that in order to actually get the reader to understand what you’re saying you have to focus on the small details. Such as why the writer decided to format it the way it did or which audience are they trying to target? This helped me on my unit 2 and unit 3 writing since I was about to expanded my knowledge on parenting but as well inform other people who are or may become parents.

  10. Trever Persaud

    Something I learned about myself as a reader is that I tend to rush through the text instead of reading slowly to understand what I’m reading. Something I learned as a writer is when I talk about specific scenes, I don’t put enough information for the reader to imagine the scene I’m talking about. As a reader, I learned to pay more attention to all the little details the author adds to the passage because it helps to find the overall point of the reading. Something I learned as a writer is the importance of adding enough information so that when someone reads my writing, they can understand what I’m talking about.

  11. hilary

    What I learned about myself this semester as a writer is that there are different methods to writting, different use of vocabulary, what to include what to not add, and that ideas flow better when I fully understand the topic. I learned that when I get stuck in a certain area I start to think about of questions that could spark an idea, or I even ask my peers / friends for ideas. I learned that before writing a thousand words may seem like a lot until you start writting and ideas flow. W hat I want to improve as a writer is time management and getting things done on time and keeping my focus and motivation because this semester I tended to turn thing in late because I would start it late.

  12. abdou guidi

    Throughout this semester, I have learned a great deal about myself as both a reader and writer. Initially, I considered myself to be a competent reader and writer, but this class has shown me that there is always room for growth and improvement.

    As a reader, I have discovered that I have a tendency to rush through texts without fully comprehending the content. This realization came to me when we were assigned to read challenging texts and analyze them in class discussions. I found myself struggling to contribute meaningfully to the discussions because I had not taken the time to truly understand the material. This made me realize that I need to slow down and engage more deeply with the texts I read.

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