Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Genre Scavenger Hunt

  • Write a short definition of the genre you have chosen. Tell all the things you know about this genre.
  • Find two examples of the genre.
  • Explain what each example is, why it’s an example of the genre you are discussing, and what you find interesting about the piece.
  • Write an analysis of what you found: what do the examples you found have in common, how do they differ, why would someone create something in this genre?
  • (Hold on to these examples as we will be using them in class on Thursday as well)


  1. Chrystian Castro

    An interview is a meeting with someone who is face-to-face with you. What I know about this genre is an interview can happen with multiple people. I also know that an interview can be about anything such as something that is an occurrence in everyday life, something personal, or something that is political. 2 examples of an interview are a job interview and an interview with a political figure such as the mayor or the president. A job interview is an interview that the employer would bring to you so they could know what you can offer to their workplace. They would ask questions such as what skills do you hold, what can you provide that others can’t, etc. An interview with a political figure usually allows the people of both sides to debate about something that is going on within a city or area. They are able to describe their argument to each other and describe what solutions can be brought up. These 2 forms of interviewing people are similar to each other because they allow the person being interviewed to say what they want to say and allow them to speak from their mind rather than fabricating something. They are different because, in a job interview, you are supposed to not argue with your employer whereas in a political interview, you are supposed to argue with the person you are interviewing to bring out your viewpoints to your audience. Someone would create something within this genre because it allows people to bring out their honest feeling on a topic and it could help persuade an audience that you are trying to persuade.

  2. Jason P

    The way I define an “Infographic” is a display of information by using facts and mixing them with pictures and graphics that are easy to understand and related to the data.

    One infographic that I found was about household leaks and how much water it wastes. It is an example of an infographic because it has graphics and pictures on every section that the infographic talks about. While there are a lot, they are simple, and follows a color scheme so that it fits in with all of the other graphics. There are also numbers and data that are incorporated into the graphics, which informs the reader what they’re talking about, while the graphic makes it easy to understand and picutre what they mean.

    Another infographic I found was on recycling. It goes through facts about recycling, and has appropriate graphics that goes along with the facts. The graphics all follow the same color scheme, making it simple to read and understand.

  3. Jestine

    An interview is a formal conversation where one person asks questions and another person provides answers. For instance, job interviews and celebrity interviews are two examples of this type of conversation. Although the topics and audiences can differ, the structure remains the same. Job interviews are private and typically involve multiple candidates, while celebrity interviews are more publicized and may focus on topics like motherhood journeys, which people are more interested in. An example is Rihanna; in the interview, she discusses motherhood and how it has been styling and putting outfits together during her pregnancy, and how motherhood has been an experience. This vogue interview is most likely able to be found on other platforms. A job interview, is way more professional and private, it is shown to employers to decide whether or not to hire you and you are just one of many interviewees.

  4. kadija

    I have chosen the interview genre and two types of interviews.The Meet and greet type of interview can be challenging to land. Reporters are highly busy and often on schedule, so it’s a big plus when they want to meet and speak with you in person. A meet-and-greet indicates that the writer wants to build rapport and a long-term relationship with you as a source.On-the-record interviews are the most straightforward. They involve questions that the reporter is looking for responses to, usually for a specific article, and are almost always quoted and visible. A reporter may submit a list of questions in advance, but this is not a guarantee or necessity. Prepare your talking points and stick to them throughout your conversation. If a question arises to which you do not have an answer or do not wish to speak, it is acceptable to inform the reporter directly.In the second type of interview genre the interviewers are more direct and straightforward they just ask a series of questions.

  5. Nattali Calle

    My genre that I have chosen is sleep deprivation and how teenagers nowadays lack of sleep and don’t tend to function as well because of the short amount of time that they sleep . My research has informed me a lot as I learned more about this topic and every article I read gave me a little more information in depth regarding the lose of sleep. My paragraphs also include imagery and tone based on their experiences regarding sleep deprivation. When I am reading a story I like to picture what the writer is saying and how i would feel if I was the character and in her position. I think someone would created a genre about this topic as a high percentage of young adults or parents have witnessed a difficult time when they lack of a certain amount of hours of sleep and they wake up at a very early time to get to work or stay home since they are stay at home moms. Me personally I used to watch my mom wake up at 5 am to go to work and now she is a stay at home mother since she gave birth which has changed all of our perspectives a lot

  6. Jordon

    Ted Talks are informative presentations that are shown to individuals who already have some knowledge in the field, but want some sort of new information on it or to people who really don’t understand the topic presented, and want to get a better grasp on it.

    Example 1: “Sleep is Your superpower” – Matt Walker. It’s about sleep and the benefits of getting enough sleep, the drawbacks of getting too little,

    Ex. 2: “How to stop your thoughts from controlling your life” – Albert Hobohm. Is about how you can control your own perception of yourself.

    What they have in common is that they are pacing to different parts of the stage, have a mic, use a sort of presentation screen behind them, are addressing an audience, they have TEDx behind them in red letters. What they were talking about was different, and their location was also different.

  7. Kassia Ariana Edwards

    I will be writing a genre about a children’s book. Why I know about this genre is that adults can learn something just from reading a children’s book that they never even knew about. Also a way of sorting books into different groups based on what the stories are about and also how they are written. A children’s book is The genre encompasses a wide range of works, including acknowledged classics of world literature, picture books and easy-to-read stories written exclusively for children, and fairy tales, lullabies, fables, folk songs, and other primarily orally transmitted materials or more specifically defined as fiction, non-fiction … etc. For example we can talk about and compare the differences in adult books and children books Children’s literature is written with child readers in mind. It is often written with children of a particular age group in mind, taking their reading ability into account. It is also written on topics that would most likely be of interest to children. Adult literature is not written with child readers in mind.

  8. Amber Pena

    I chose interviews as my genre. You ask people questions relating to your topic and compare your statistics to make a claim. two examples of types of interviews are in person interviews like job interviews, where you’re introducing yourself. And structured interviews. Theyre similar because they both involve asking questions to people. However structured has specific motives like you have to ask each person the same questions and same rate , to compare answers.

  9. hilary

    A definition of interview is a series of questions based on a certain topic asked to a person and taking in information and answers that they give. An example I can really think based on this genre is the R Kelly interview where the “allegations” came up about how he used to do inappropriate things to little girls and how he used to sexualize a lot of things of his mother etc. Another example of the genre I’m picking is how they like to interview marvel characters after a movie they just recorded. So the R Kelly interview is really interesting’s to me because the way he was acting really showed how he was lying about some of the things he was saying but during the interview because this is a “sensitive topic” he got upset and left but also the type of questions the interviewer was asking wasn’t really nice she was asking them like she was accusing him of what they were saying. But every time they interview the marvel actors they always seem so happy and making jokes, and just show in general that they are having a good time. I find interesting the different reactions.

  10. Amber pena

    I chose interviews as my genre and I know that in an interview you’re getting to know stuff about someone and you are asking questions. The person is sometimes recorded or voice recorded or someone writes down the whole conversation. two examples of interviews are directive interviews where everyone gets the same set of questions and you make a comparison from each answer. An informal interview is when it can be conducted any place and any questions in no specific order can be asked to each candidate. I feel a directive interview is best for what I’m looking for because I want to ask the same questions to each person and get their own experiences and compare.

  11. Yaquelin Morales

    The genre I have chosen is interview, I know an interview is based on questions you ask in order to get a summary on topic overall. You can interview more than one person in order to get different opinions in order to support your opinion or can cause you to change your opinion. An interview could be record or the person can take down notes based on what is being said. It includes a variety of questions that can be difficult to keep up with, therefore recoding can help you hear back to make sure you include everything that was said. Interviews are also used when hiring someone to show the skills they have and make sure they are fit for the job. An example of interviews is structured interview, in which it is a formal interview in the questions are prepared before the interview and accurate. Another example is group interview, during this interview their is a group of people who are being questioned at the same time and the same questions This is a easier walk to get a large group of people to be interviewed and saves times since they are being observed on their behavior and answer to pick out certain people. Therefore this involves the genre I choose since it can help me prepare before I do the interview and if I decide to do a group interview I could consider each of their response to have different examples on each of their opinions. They are similar since the result end up the same on getting the answer to each question asked and the only difference is the amount of people I decide to interview at the same time.

  12. Sydney burford

    The genre that I chose is a infographic, an infographic is an easy to understand visual collection of data using pie charts, graphs, and pictures with short explanations. One example of a infographic is the healthy eating plate that is commonly found in schools this is an example of a a infographic because it is a picture/pie chart that has short paragraphs explaining what each section is and why it is important. Another example is of a infographic informing about unsafe medical injections this example had a lot an images and statistics warning about the dangers. The difference that I for. Between the two was that the healthy plate used a pie chart and the second on had its data written out.

  13. Trever Persaud

    The genre I have chosen is a TED talk. Something I know about a TED talk is a person on a stage talking about a specific topic with a presentation behind them. One example of a TED talk is “Is technology really ruining your life?” by David Ellis. In this video, David talks about technology and how technology affects our daily lives. Another example is “The Golden Approach To Bullying – by Mark Johnson. In this video, Mark talks about the problem of bullying and some solutions to it. Something both videos have in common is a person on the stage talking about a specific topic. Something different in both videos is what they are talking about.

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