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Organizing Narratives

Think about the order in which you are telling your story. Are you telling it chronologically? Do you use flashbacks? Do you work backwards? How does the way you organize your narrative impact the reader’s experience of it?

Also, think about to whom you are telling the story. What information do they need to know in order for the narrative to make the most sense?


  1. Jason P

    The way I organized my narrative is that it is told chronologically. I don’t know how it impacts the reader’s experience, but I guess they get to go along with you as its being told.

    I think the most important informations that readers need to know is my ideas about school during those times in order for the story to make sense.

  2. Chrystian Castro

    The way that I am telling my story when it comes to the Educational Narrative is in a chronological order. The reason why I feel that saying the story in chronological order is better for me is because it allows me to go into depth of the changing of emotions that I felt when it comes to education over the years. It also allows me to backtrack to crucial events of when my opinion on education changes and I have a different outlook on it. I feel that the information that they need to know is how the different schools that I went to had their own unique way of teaching. My way of telling the narrative impacts the reader is because it allows the reader to see the growth that I have made over the years.

  3. Amber Pena

    I started in the present which confuses the reader because they don’t know what is happening but it also intrigues them to find out. Then I go back in time to explain everything then I come back to the present and it’s nice because everything is explained and still intriguing. the reader needs to know the background reasoning as to why I want to be a nurse before I explain it because they won’t know about my experiences and fully understand my reasoning.

  4. Jestine

    I am telling my story in chronological order; I chose a story that unfolded over a few days rather than a series of events because I felt it would be a stronger piece of writing for me.

    If you have to take tests in the future, it’s important to prepare well and put your best foot forward. It seems that you are more likely to take tests during your young adult years, whether you are in college or pursuing other forms of education. Studying is essential for success, whether it’s for your driver’s license test or an academic exam. I wrote my story to share my experience, which can help anyone who is preparing for a test in the future or looking to improve their academic and study skills.

  5. Julia

    The order in which I am telling my story would be in chronological order because the way that the event happened it would be best if I told it from top to bottom so that way whoever is reading my narrative they’ll know & understand what’s going on & how everything all happened. Rather than trying to tell someone the story in a different way which might be confusing to others. So in order for people not to get confused or lost from reading my narrative, I would need to make sure that I have the correct times & dates of how everything all happened. & make sure that the sequence of events are all in order & not just all over the place.

  6. Justin

    I write my narratives in chronologically order because in that way it makes it seem like i’m telling a story. This helps the reader pinpoint the beginning, climax, middle an end. I often use flashbacks to make a point or to create the build up to the climax. The reader needs to know the background information towards your narrative.

  7. Jordon

    I’m telling my story in chronological order so that the reader can be there during any event told in the story and have a clearer understanding of what’s going on.

    I was just telling the story to anyone, but I am writing as if the reader doesn’t understand skating or how it works. But it’d be easier if I wrote it as if the reader knew how to skate so that I would have to explain less.

  8. Akash Jungney

    When telling a story of the past, I usually speak on what happens in chronological order, from the backround to the main event, eventually to how it ends, either on a good or bad note. Speaking from my point of view, it wouldn’t make much sense to just say what the main event was without dating back to how it all began and what leads up to the moment. People when hearing stories want to know what caused something to occur or what triggers the action. Flashbacks are usually another good way to add to the background as it also dates more points or ideas.

  9. hilary

    The way I’m telling my story I’m first talking about my experience and how it feels going through the whole process but in between the story telling I give flashbacks and past experiences. I’m also saying it in order where it was my first time experiencing it and then how I’m dealing with it now that I went through that experience.

  10. Fernanda

    My story it’s been told in chronological order, my story major events are within years apart from each other. Having to write my story from the begging till end makes me organized the way things happened, as the readers they would have a better image on how the sequence of the story it’s being told.

  11. Alexander Hernandez Cruz

    I am organizing my work chronologically so that it is simpler and everything makes sense to me and the reader, as well as this helps me organize my ideas and be able to remember more easily since this happened about 8-10 years ago. Something you have to know to understand my story is that I had never used the internet and was somewhat naive when it came to information.

  12. Madison

    For my educational narrative, I started off by explaining what education is to me and how it has shaped my life. I discuss childhood memories of learning things and how learning those things has helped me today. I don’t get into the situation too heavily because it was just too much and the reader wouldn’t understand. I believe that this is a cohesive order for my educational narrative because it helps readers understand the timeline better.

  13. Trever Persaud

    I’m telling my story chronologically. I chose to tell it in chronological order so that the audience can understand what is happening in order from beginning to end. The more details you give the reader the better they will understand the story.

  14. Nattali Calle

    Whenever I am telling someone a story I make sure to tell them what happened before and the reason along with what happened after as it is small details that make a difference into the story and gives u backup information . This will make the listener a better picture and understanding of what is being told

  15. Yaquelin Morales

    I’m telling my story in chronologically. I choose to tell my story this way so the person is able to connect with what I am going through. Since there can be many mix of emotions I would want them to see how things either escalate or how they improve. Therefore start from the beginning and go in order towards the end. That helps them not be confused with all the events that are happening. So they don’t end up lost in all of the events going on and be informed. This helps the listener put together and be able to describe the environment.

  16. Sydney burford

    My narrative is being told in chronological order because, I think that it give the readers a better understanding of how things changed and understand what impact it has in present day. My narrative will also consist of flashbacks because these are important moments in the narrative and using flashbacks is the best way to introduce them to the story.

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