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What You’d Find Buried

Think about your own high school. In the style of francine j. harris, what would you find buried in the dirt of that school? Think both literally and metaphorically.


  1. hilary

    Thinking back to my own highschool, I think I would find the same thing because most kids go to school to do whatever they want. Half go to school to do their work and study others go to do things they’re not allowed to do at home. If there’s no one watching you 24/7 they’ll let their mind wander. In my school I think I’ll find saliva, condoms, weed, used sanitary pads, toilet paper, writings, love notes and many other things.

  2. Nattali Calle

    In my high school I would find trays of food in the stairs I will find ketchup on the walls like someone purposely smudge it . I would find weed in the windows showing how they were smoking by the windows and just left the rest there and went to class. I would also find papers everywhere that the teacher had given them during their lecture . Since my school was an arts school I would also find paint and paper and it would get cleaned everyday and look nice and clean in the morning although once 3 pm came we can start to notice how it all is getting dirty once again

  3. Alexander Hernandez Cruz

    I really wouldn’t know what I would find buried in my school but I think it would be

  4. yousefa05

    My high school definitely wasn’t as bad as Charles f kettering high school. there was an occasional condom here and there but there was never any bullet casings or 99% of the stuff said in this poem about the Detroit high school. I can’t really think of anything that I would find buried under the dirt.

  5. Chrystian Castro

    What I would find buried under my school is the ripped textbooks from the Algebra 2 class, the many wrappers of honey bons, the empty bottles of water, the metal water bottles, many lunch trays that had been left on the staircase, the foam and rubber balls that are hidden away at the gym, many pens and pencils that students have lost throughout the years, missing cable pieces, missing screws, missing metal components, missing keys from the laptop keyboards, homework assignments that students purposely left, many vape pens that students used on the staircase, burned-out cigarettes, ripped pieces of tissues, and ripped pieces of classwork.

  6. Mia Donawa

    I would literally just find the memories of past friendships & my old relationship right there & that’s where they can stay. I feel like it was nothing but hypocrisy & manipulation & not enough doing what I needed to do to graduate. Thank god that part of my life is over . I can’t go back and redo so it’s good that what’s buried there is staying there.

  7. Jordon

    Buried in my high school? The hatred the teachers have for the principal. Nobody really liked her, She didn’t really try to make the school a better place, only when they made student leadership positions, did things change in the school. The teachers didn’t like her because of how moody and stubborn she was. You had to talk to her at the right time in order to get things like funding or whatever. Apart from that, I don’t know about other schools, but if you sucked up to the teachers, you’d get away with a lot, or if you were cool with them.

  8. Amber Pena

    In my high school ill find a bunch of fake ass people who loveee gossiping and walking to the class using the back staircase at the end of the hall you might run into a couple doing some R-rated things or be hit with a cloud of smoke in your face. It’s kinda of like a guessing game before entering. When I enter the bathroom there aren’t any stalls available because girls huddle in groups standing on the toilet to smoke. There are pads on the floor and weed pens. you might slip on food and beverages on the steps. then there’s the deans and security chasing you in the halls.

  9. Jestine

    In high school, I would find abandoned pencils and pens scattered on the floor, once important but now forgotten. Faulty construction and holes in places where they shouldn’t be crying out for restoration Windows are locked tightly to prevent books from flying out of the fifth floor once again. Empty Chick-fil-A bags are a common sight as they sneak into the building since we are not allowed to order food. Along with this, I would find the last 7 years of my life, as it served as a middle and high school on separate floors.

  10. Alexander Hernandez Cruz

    Actually, what I found buried in my old school would be many people smoking marijuana, along with a lot of people who don’t want to study and who are more concerned about seeing their friends and how they look rather than studying at school. . just like the dirty classrooms and school cafeteria and the tables scratched with markers.

  11. Julia

    The things that I would find buried in the dirt of my old school would be embarrassing memories that I’ve made with people that I’ll never talk to again,  the strong scent of grabba & weed, the look of used tampons & pads by females who didn’t know how to clean up after themselves, crumbled up yellow paper of report cards given by teachers to the students who were unhappy & not pleased with their grades that they have been given, condoms that have been opened & used for the wrong reasons because students chose to play around & open a condom just for the fun of it, and lastly all of the memories of all the fights that some students had with each other whether they have been recorded and have went viral on the internet or if just a small group of students witnessed on the action.

  12. Madison

    Reflecting on my high school experience, in Benjamin Banneker Academy would be similar to the poem today. You’d find a lot of gossip; and “friends” talking about each other. Many petty, and unserious relationship. Young children thinking they’re in love but it’s only manipulation . A lot of childish behavior and kid drama. Now looking back I think everyone would be embarrassed of our behavior.

  13. Yaquelin Morales

    In my highschool the principal didn’t hear out the students. Most teacher didn’t even like her as well. She did our graduation in the yard in front of the school and then later to find out that it was basically experimental and this year seniors are going to have it in a much better place. Our seniors was probably the worse compared to the rest since the principal didn’t put in the effort at all.

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