Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Scene work / Detail

Now that you’ve pictured your specific scene in full, use the images, emotions, sensations that you’ve generated and write a paragraph on that scene, using as many of those concrete, specific details as possible.

Remember that what you choose to include tells a reader when you value when describing a scene.


  1. Chrystian Castro

    I am sitting at my desk, recalling a memory from not too long ago. I am remembering the time in the 11th grade where I am in my AP Language class at third period and I am sitting around all of my friends. At the time, the winter season was about to finish and it was getting warmer all be it still a bit chilly due to it being the month of March. As I’m sitting with my closest friends, feeling the cool breeze coming from the window and the ceiling lights hitting my table, I hear my teacher talking about a class project that we have to do on public speaking. My body felt a bit nervous yet excited at the time because I have never experienced a class doing a project such as this. Others around me were feeling the same way as some anxiously were thinking about an idea to speak about. I remembered smelling the expo markers that came from the instructions that my teacher wrote. I also remembered myself thinking about an idea to talk about myself so I can be sure that I am caught up with the class. From this memory, I remembered that when talking about the things that you are passionate about, it’s a good thing to make sure that your voice is being heard from everyone and to make sure that you bring out your voice by showing the audience the things that you see so they are able to get an idea of what you are talking about.

  2. Nattali Calle

    After picturing a specific scene in my mind going back to my high school years I am getting dressed in our schools bathroom putting on our black dresses and black shoes the ladies are helping each other do their makeup and hair ready to go out to the auditorium to start our song . I am standing next to my bestfriend with bright lights shinning at us. I can hear people breathing deep behind and next to me as we are all nervous and it has been a long day of practice and the time is now 8pm . I can feel my body shaking and my hands sweating as the clock ticks and time gets closer to showtime . Our teacher sips her water as she is getting ready to lead us with her hands . We can hardly see anybody in the audience as the room is pitch black except for the bright lights shining at us . Somehow the room begins to feel hotter and the air starts to feel limited

  3. Akash Jungney

    Its a quiet, bright sunny Thursday morning on September 7th, 2017. I’m standing outside my new high school, Transit Tech CTE High School, coming in as a freshman and for the first time ever, I’m at a school with people I’ve never seen ever, and not recognizing anyone that walked past that attending my old middle or elementary schools. I’m standing outside the side of the school, by myself looking incredibly discreet but anxious and nervous, hoping my ongoing anxiety attacks from the past don’t come back. As I stand shaking nervously, I think to myself, “will I be a wreck in front of people? Will people like me? Will people move right through me because of my short height?” As I look down at my outfit, my bright blue Vans with ripped black jeans look a lot more better in person than what I’ve imagined it’d be, thinking to myself, “dang, I really did myself in clothing well.” Just behind me are a bunch of other students walking towards the school passing a loud construction site on the road of Atlantic Avenue, with the lingering scent of dust and coal coming my direction. It’s bad enough that I came to school with a hoodie on in 80 degree weather considering the sun’s rays burn despite me being under a big tree. I just think to myself, “its gonna be the same old grind, but with new faces.”

  4. Amber Pena

    “Hello! Can anyone answer question 5?” Mrs. Barker repeats over and over again as the class stays muted. Every time she pauses, waiting for someone to respond ,I’m sinking deeper and deeper into my mattress that feels like the softest cloud on earth. Her voice is too scratchy to ignore so I decide to get up and open the curtains. As soon as that bright burning light hits my eyes , I shut them. As I jump back into bed, I bang my head hard as fuck on the top bunk. This is why I need my own room or at least my own bed! DING. My Mom sends me another news article about coronavirus getting worse. She just wants me to stay home until I die of boredom.

  5. Fernanda

    As I entered my room I felt the breeze coming from my window, it was around 5:00 P.M in the afternoon the sky was fully grey, it made my room looked dark but my lamp on my night stand was a shiny yellow light reflecting on my long mirror. Making shadows around the room even myself. I was terrified and Annie’s to see what was behind that envelope, my heart starts racing even faster once I tear it open. There it was a nice neat folded letter, as I proceed to open the letter, there was really dark bolded uppercase letter and on top it was highlighted. That was the first thing I laid my eyes on and that was the only important message I received from my High school left with my guidance counselor signature.

  6. Jason P

    In a hallway like any other, chatting with classmates and friends while waiting for the previous class to end so we can enter. While distracting myself from the weight of my backpack because I was too lazy to use a locker, a friend mentions about the SHSAT. They tell me about how it works and how its a test needed to geting into specialized highschool. I didnt really care about highschools yet, let alone specialized ones, but something they said did catch my attention. It was something about how grades weren’t considered when accepting students to specialized highschools. However, previous class has exited the room. It was time to go to class, and my questions had to wait.

  7. Jestine

    I remember back in high school, I was trying to work on my fear of public speaking and overcome it. One particular instance stuck with me when I had to give a presentation as a requirement for graduation. I had been given the day off to prepare for it and had been working on it for several months prior in class, I had also made some index cards to help me during the presentation. I walked up the seemingly never-ending stairs, I felt nervous but tried to focus on the task. As I entered the assigned classroom, I knew I was about to meet my graders, who would be grading my presentation based on a rubric shortly. I recall preparing for this moment – setting up the classroom and ensuring that the natural light would not interfere with the presentation by turning on the lights. As the day progressed, the sun would make its way around the room, casting shadows on some parts of the classroom. Since my presentation was about math, it was important for me to keep my audience engaged and awake, so I wanted to make sure that the room was well-lit. I pulled out my index cards, anxiously anticipating the arrival of my guests, as my mind flooded with what-ifs, reminding me what could go wrong during the presentation. I reminded myself that I had mentally and physically prepared for this and I knew I was ready.

  8. hilary

    When applying to colleges its very difficult trying to figure out what career path we want or even what college we would like to go to. But realizing college isn’t everything it makes the process with moving forward frustrating and confusing. When it came to my knowledge I was in high school, my college advisors room, trying to figure out what school I was going to commit to but when it came to the final day I was still confused. but push came to shove so I just chose the same school a friend was going to. Once I attended I knew it wasn’t for me. This is where I focused on other things like life lessons or on what others can tech you. School is made to be seen as a necessary but at times most of the things we learn in school we don’t use in real life.

  9. Kassia Ariana Edwards

    I am sitting at my desk today remembering a memory and when I was in 11th grade spring 2022. I had fought COVID and I was sick for about 3 weeks straight I couldn’t get any work done even though it was online so it was hard for me I was really behind, but previous before I returned back to school I had asked my teachers to send me a email with the work I missed because I was sick and none of them got back to me and it’s like at that point I just gave up on my work at school I just had a mindset of if I fail I fail what can I possibly do if my teachers don’t wanna help me. As i retuned to school the next week after my 3 weeks from being out I had spoke to my guidance counselor ms parker shout out to her for real. She helped me get my teachers to get me back on track since they wasn’t doing anything to help me she had to as all of them to send her the work and to let me hand it in to pass because I was feeling really bad and I didn’t want to go to summer school plus my school didn’t have summer school so it’s really was just a option of passing or failing and I never was a failing student I always loved my grades high and I was really depressed, but my guidance counselor did support me and getting my work done and handed in and o did and I was able to pass the 11th grade with B’s at-least it was something and I passed. It was times my mom had to step in and it was times I gave up, but I kept on pushing myself to pass.

  10. Jordon

    I grab the two checks from my closet and put them in my little adidas fanny pack. I grab the skateboard my friend gave me, lock the door behind me, and hurry down the stairs. If I go right, it’s a shorter walking distance, but way less skating, but if I go right, its a longer walking distance but more skating. I brought my board out in this cold weather for a reason. I get outside the front door of my building and instantly turn left. I hop on my board and start skating on the sidewalk since the one way would make me go in the opposite direction of traffic. I skate for about 8 minutes and end up in the Western Union, I didn’t have an ID at the time, so I cashed all my checks here. It was a familiar place, the beaming fluorescent lights, the white tiles with minimal color, the whining sound of the neon sign to the right and then the tellers behind the plexiglass. I got two reasons for being here. The main one is to get money, after all, money is everything to me. The other reason is that I kind of have no choice, one of my checks is already two weeks old and the other is a week. I don’t know what’s gonna happen if they’re older than 3 weeks. I get to the teller and she already knows what I’m there for, I cash my checks, put the money in my bag and leave. I skate back home through the dark and empty street and get home.

  11. abdou guidi

     It was around 3 a.m., pitch black on an exit ramp, and I was just sitting stressed, tired, and disappointed with how the situation had turned out. To top it all off, I was causing traffic on the off-ramp, preventing people from exiting. Because of the traffic jam, all I could hear were the horns of passing cars and a cold breeze from other vehicles. So I decided to get up and do something about it. I called my sister, who suggested I drive the car to a safe location away from traffic. Looking at the car, I tell my sister that I believe that is possible, that my tiers are not in place with the rims properly, and that I do not believe it is driveable.

  12. Aaron


  13. kadija

    Its 4am and my thumbs feel like there about to fall off from all the scrolling i’ve been doing on tiktok.At the some point my body and mind both decided that I wouldn’t be sleeping tonight.The purple LED light in my room is bright as can be and made everything in my room purple including my laundry basket.I felt this aching feel in my stomach almost as if I hadn’t eaten in a century.I decided to make the voyage downstairs to go conquer this hunger.Before I walk downstairs I stare below me and see that pitch darkness.The fear of the unknown begins to consume me.I must now make a decision as to whether I want to get my 2 day old leftover pasta that probably taste like salt and tomato sauce by now and risk being killed or attacked by the monsters that lurk in the shadows of my kitchen or stay in my bed and wait until the biggest star of them all flashes daylight upon us again.I choose to go back to my room and starve

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