Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Looking Forward

Make a message to your end-of-the-semester self. In this time capsule, I want you to send a message to your end-of-the semester self about your goals, your hopes for the year, and maybe some pitfalls you feel you might be up against. Please also think about how writing will help you achieve your future goals– not just for the end of the semester, but beyond.


  1. Amber Pena

    By the end of the semester I hope I pass all my classes with A’s and make the deans list. I want to be better at writing , more specifically I want to stop rambling whenever I don’t know what else to add. I want to be able to improve with feedback and not just ignoring it. As well as I hope I am able to become in discussions.

  2. Darryl

    Dear Darryl,

    It was rough like most new things but one way or another you made it and you should be proud of it, because u have overcome a lot of fears and anxiety but at the same time has been ur best self, it was difficult but u did and that’s what matters!

    you’re strong af dude!

    You have earned to use ur credit card in something u want cuz u deserve it lol!

  3. Yaquelin Morales

    My goal for this semester is to improve my writing. Since it is something you need basically throughout your whole life it’s not just for school, it can be for work or just to journal. since it can help you improve your vocabulary and better be able to express yourself. Since sometimes we have a hard time putting our emotions or thoughts into words. I do think I’m gonna have a hard time being able to read articles/books since I have trouble reading. It’s either I read a whole page and be confused or I can’t even make it past the first few pages because It doesn’t catch my attention. Therefore I’m gonna have to work on my reading to be informed in the class or just to get the message the author is trying to prove.

  4. Julia Solomonik

    Towards the end of the semester of my first year of college, I hope that I pass all of my classes and I also hope that I’ve gained some kind of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to completing my first full year. Because I would want myself to know and understand that everything that I am doing right now will be worth it in the end. Even if it doesn’t seem like it doesn’t make complete sense right now, time will tell when my hard work does pay off in the end.

  5. Chrystian Castro

    You, yes you future me. I’m messaging you from the past because I wanted to tell you that I hope that you have completed all of the goals that you wanted to complete for this semester. I want to tell you that I am proud that you are passing your classes with a high grade to make yourself proud. I want you to say that you are proud of finally getting your hands on some computer components and learning what each of them could do for you. Even with the mountain of work that you are given or the times where you don’t even know which class is on which day, I know for a fact that you will succeed in this semester. But always remember even the simplest of subjects can be vital to your dream career. Writing is going to be vital towards your dream career because you would need to learn how to write to persuade others around you in the things that you want to do. You would need to learn how to send out important information to your co-workers and to make sure that they understand what you are talking about. Don’t forget that the most simplest of things are also the things that are going to be the most important in your future. From past Chrystian Castro

  6. Akash Jungney

    To future me, when you leave and move to the next semester, just know to always keep your head up, continue to keep your eyes on what you prosper and what your drive is. Don’t be afraid to speak up, speak your thoughts and how you feel, considering no one will understand until you’ve actually spoken up. With the upcoming semester on its way, you got to began your prep to being the best and with a fierce amount of confidence to boost your stamina. When you continue to think hard on your word choice, it not only makes your speech much more expert leveled, but it makes your writing style that you were used to deal with, much more immaculate.

  7. hilary

    the message I would like to leave myself is, I knew you had this I hope everything you wished and hoped for came true. where you are now should be 20x’s better then where you were before even if its a little step its still progress. some hopes I have is to pass all my classes (especially the pre requisites ones so I can get into my majors program) and finish school and become a radiologist and working for one of the hospitals the schools are in connection with. Another goal of mine is to not just stop there but to also become a sonographer because that’s the end goal but having both of those degrees under my belt is even better. Maybe a challenge I would run into this semester is my biology class because I’m not very well with science and the way I’m being taught it looks like I’m gonna have to tech myself. But either way because I’m passionate it will get done.

  8. Madison

    By the end of the year, I hope you have not lost your mind in math class . I hope you are still as eager in getting this degree just as you were before. Some of the goals I wish to accomplish this year is to keep my grades up especially for the major I would like to pursue. I would also like to get involved more around the college . A pitfall I know that will be working against me is my procrastination; I have a really bad problem with this. However, with due time I know you will get better and work on time management. As far as English class goes, I have always been pretty good at this subject. I would like to learn more about literature itself and how to read more like a writer than just a reader. Writing will help me achieve my goal because it will allow me to think critically, and see beyond what I might already know .

  9. Alexander Hernandez Cruz

    Hello, I from the future, my future goals are to be able to pass all my classes with good results, just as I would like to be able to write fluently in English without having spelling mistakes.

  10. Fernanda

    Theirs many hopes and goals that I would accomplish towards the end of the semester, creating a workspace that I would be able to concentrate and take things step by step. Allowing myself to be more into reading, not just think about it as something boring, but something that I would learn from and become better as a reader an as a writer. Find ways within myself to be able to study for Quizzes/Tests. Having a positive attitude to be able to handle things on a good paste. Be open minded and allow myself to learn from other such as students or profesor, keep on trying even it it takes an eternity to get the correct answer.

  11. yousefa05

    Ive realized that this is an English class so obviously I will have to read so I will try to be more open minded to reading. Some hopes I have for the future me is not to fall behind in any readings which is a little problem for me because I’m going off of google summaries and can’t really interact in discussions. I also hope to not to fall behind in any work or group work because then I’m affecting other peoples grades including mine. Improving my reading and writing could help me when I get older because I’m planning on going into business. Business and almost every job in general requires sending emails or text messages to colleagues and I hope to learn how to be more formal or informal when I need to be.

  12. Darryl

    A pitfall I think I might have in this semester I feel it will be my match class, but everything will be all right.

  13. Jordon

    I hope I get some connections and also make some friends here since that is going to make classes slightly more enjoyable.

    I don’t really have any hopes for school to be honest.

    A pitfall that I could have is gonna be paying attention. In like every class.

    I feel like writing will be important for my goals because it will make me seem more professional, despite that not being me. It will also help with understanding the way others talk, since not everyone has the same way of using words and that. When I’m at work, I notice the different ways people speak about the same thing, even though they’re speaking English.

  14. abdou guidi

    Dear Abdou: I’m from the future, and I want you to pass all of your courses this semester. It’s the first couple of weeks of college.have a GPA greater than 3.0. Even tho your classes schedule is a little messed up having to travel from the Bronx to Brooklyn twice and the traffic on the way here to school.One thing I’m have a big pitfall is getting into class on time and getting my Assignments done on time.

  15. Jason P

    Hey dummy, you passing your classes?

    I know damn well that all of the work you’ve been doing has been last minute, or worse yet you didn’t even submit it.

    Not that I care too much. After all, it’ll be your problem to deal with, not mine. I doubt you’ve put any thought into your future just as I am doing right now, but we both know that it has always been this way. No need to change it amirite? You’ve probably just sat through classes head empty and pretended to pay attention in class. Do tell me how that goes. It worked from middle school all the way through highschool, but this is college you’re in. Does it still work? I sure hope it does, because that behavior won’t be changing.

    If you’re suffering right now because of me, oopsies :D.

  16. Justin Rodriguez

    Dear Justin,

    I hope you stay on tasked on all you’re classes and make sure that you go to every single one of them. I hope you make sure your health and mental is good and make sure you are focused mainly on studies. Even though you are a full-time worker and full-time student I hope you manage the stress. You will achieve your goals into becoming a graphic design teacher. I think writing down my goals will help me motivate myself into completing them and becoming a better me.

  17. Sydney burford

    Dear future self, the goals that you hope to achieve upon the end the of semester are to improve on your writing skills but also find a way to enjoy reading and writing more then you have. Another goal is to stay on top of your work and do the best that you can.

  18. Trever Persaud

    Some goals that I have for this semester is to get all my work done and get good grades. Some pitfalls I’m going to encounter is math class because I always struggled with math so I know the exams are gonna be hard but I can prepare myself for them by studying. Some ways writing will help me in the future is by helping me write emails and get my ideas across when sending important emails.

  19. kadija

    Dear future me, there’s 3 weeks left until we finish our first semester of college.Its been rough like crazy but I’m not here to tell you to become a full on academic weapon but i want you to try and put in effort these last 3 weeks.These last two months you haven’t given it your all or tried i fear ,and dropping a class first year a college is kinda sad but i think it’s the wake up call that was needed.Nobody is going to hold your hand and tell you to get these assignments done it’s up to you.YOU need to PRIORITIZE your future and your goals.I understand you can get caught up in the present but understand that present actions affect future pathes.So all those days you decided to go home  and do nothing instead of coming to english finally caught up.You know what to do i think you just have a hard time getting the ball rolling.Begin with simple goals and work your way up don’t overwork yourself because everyone has their limits.Malcolm X once said “Education is the passport to the future,for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.Carry this quote around with you and success is sure to come good luck!!

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