Faculty Name | Section | Semester

Research Questions

Spend 15 minutes writing a substantial paragraph answering the following: How did you get interested in your research question? Why are you interested? What answers and information do you expect to find in response to your research question?


  1. Emanuel

    I became interested in my research question due to always being interested in different religions and mythologies. (Still not 100% sure if I will pick this topic to be honest) I always found these 2 things intriguing and I have been reading and watching things on these two topics since I was in elementary school so it kind of just stuck with me. I’ve also spoke/debated with other people about the validity of religion so that is another factor as well… I will probably find examples (there are plenty) of a religious institution using the rules and/or beliefs of their religion in order to take advantage of/manipulate another group of people. I will also probably find more people discussing/asking this exact same question or something similar to it.

  2. Malachi

    I got interested in my research question because the question I have isn’t something that is talked about as much as the others. I was interested because it confuses me on how this big of an attack just happened and no one saw it coming and if they did, they did nothing to stop it. The answers I hope to find is how this attacked was planned, and how did this just happen. I expect to find a lot of information on why 9/11 changed the world and how it affected people.

  3. Ericka Reyes

    My research question is ¿Why Mental Health is important in high schools?. This topic interest me because when I was in high school I used to get stress out a lot about the grades, homework, and in every topic in class for 9 classes 8:00am to 4:00pm. Plus extra time in tutoring which means I was out of school around 6pm, every day every time. But throughout 4 years I never hear a class, even if is not for requirements, about mental health or someone asking you if you were okay at all. No even the counselor, most of the time if you were in their office it was because you were in problems or they want you to take extras classes or pass the regents but never to ask you about how your stress is going or we are okay in our mind or how we are handle school. I hope to find solids answer in my research, or maybe a good reason why there is nobody helping these kids in high school.

  4. Kyle

    I got interested in my topic because energy is getting used everywhere and everyday. So finding a reliable, efficient and safe source of energy is currently a big deal. With the Earth slowly dying, finding alternate energy to slow it down without wma 3 This isn’t the first time I’ve talked about alternate energy sources, so I feel like it is a good topic to talk about. I mainly expect to find more statistics on which one is more efficient or cheaper,etc

  5. Christopher

    I got interested about the Aztecs because of my dad. He would always tell me to learn more about Mexico and our history. My dad said that it is important that me and my brother keep our culture alive now that we are in the USA. This is because a lot of hispanic kids that are born here grow up differently than the kids in their native countries. For example, me and my cousins in Mexico grew up differently because over here there is a lot of diversity and different traditions. Im interested, because I’ve seen some videos about how powerful the Aztecs were and how amazing their empire was. I want to learn more about how they rose as an empire and how that empire crumbled in the end. -Christopher Luna

  6. Fernando Guerrero

    The reason I got interested with my question was because I’m a new student in college and I don’t really know weather college is a helpful or non helpful thing you need to be successful in life and what some college student think about it. I’m interested because I am do college first year and just want to see other people opinions on this topic. The type of answers I’m expecting is mixed half are saying college helped me get a better life or something like that why it helped or if it was a good decision for them and the other mostly just people who went and realized that this is not helpful or it just a waste of money.

  7. Donaji Morales

    Through watching crime series, the idea of possibly sending people to death row did not have moral explanation to me. In many cases starting from its origin, people, the “law” used it un- appropriately used it discriminatively, biased against people color, with low social class etc.

    The question that comes to mind, whether it’s necessary anymore? Is sending people to jail or death row more affective ?

  8. Saphir Ramjohn

    My topic was and has never been an interest to me, it has been questioned from time to time but I’ve never really taken an interest in it , but it was the first thing that popped into my head for some reason so I’m going to stick with it, I wouldn’t say it’s very interesting topic , its pretty simple, it’s also something that people from all around the world tend question so I guess if you put my opinion vs the rest of the world you can say it is interesting, and I guess I’m interested because I’d like to answer that question for everyone. I expect to find an answer to the big question “why do people lie?”

  9. Angelina Valerio

    In other countries in the world, I’ve heard that their healthcare systems are better in comparison to America. As a result, I began to wonder if that also applies to mental health, which is how I got interested in my research question. I think that mental health is spoken about a lot but it’s not taken very seriously. I also believe that it’s hard to find resources, especially ones that are affordable, for people to improve their mental health. I’m interested in this topic because throughout my life I’ve known many people who have struggled with their mental health for a long time. When doing my research, I expect to be surprised at how other countries address mental health. I don’t have high expectations for America’s mental health system, so I’d be surprised if the mental health system exceeds my expectations.

  10. Jia Ni Wu

    I choose my research topic (gun violence) because it’s a topic that is talked about a lot everyday. I’m interested in this topic because I think it’s a serious issue that we need to address because of the amount of people losing their lives to it. I want to research more into it to find out what we could do to fix this issue, statistics, and why we haven’t done anything to prevent it yet.

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